Laila Abdel-Latif strikes again … 2021 is worse than 2020, the dollar is above 10,000, and a piece of advice to politicians: pay attention to your condition


“Our Lady of Inspiration” Leila Abdel-Latif, guest on the “Embarrassing Question” program with journalist Tony Khalife, broadcasting on “Voice of Beirut International”, generated new expectations.

Here are its highlights:

The reconciliation between Prime Minister Saad Hariri and his brother Bahaa, and the two will work in favor of Lebanon, indicating that blood will not turn to water.

Suleiman Franjieh is closest to the presidency

The Maronite Patriarch, Mar Bechara Boutros Al-Rahi, and Mufti Abd Al-Latif Derian called for his health in 2021, signaling a prominent role that the Patriarch will play.

The year 2021 will smile at Representative Jean Obeid

General Jean Kahwagi will be innocent of the accusations against him

Demonstrations, chaos and change in Turkey

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Yen Salman will be number one in the Arab region and the world

The year 2021 will be bad and even worse than 2020, especially in America and Europe, which indicates that positive things will happen in Lebanon, starting in June, when things will get better.

The world will get rid of Corona, the vaccine will be successful and effective

The secret of the Beirut port explosion will not be revealed

Assassinations, explosions and assassination attempts in Lebanon

He called on the Governor of the Banque du Liban, Riad Salameh, to pay attention to his health and safety.

He also asked President Michel Aoun to pay attention to his health, especially from Corona.

He called on the leader of the Lebanese Forces party, Samir Geagea, former MP Walid Jumblatt and Speaker of Parliament Nabih Berri to pay attention to his health.

Nothing cancels the former minister, Gebran Bassil, and he is not afraid of anything, and what he has and what he has will be revealed

First degree persons will be imprisoned in connection with corruption cases

Ministers and parliamentarians behind bars and Lebanese leaders will disappear from the scene

The solution and the key is in the hands of Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah, and there will be Hezbollah-led deals that will be of interest to Lebanon.

The dollar will exceed 10,000 pounds.

The role of Kataeb Party leader Sami Gemayel will increase

The revolution is back and better organized

The year 2021 is the year of fires in the world and important figures in Lebanon and the world may disappear or they will be in God’s protection, and there are about 20 people.
