Kenza Morsli wins the Golden Panther Music Awards for 2020


Algerian star Kenza Morsli won the 2020 Golden Panther Music Awards in the Best Young Artist in the Middle East category, and it is the second time that he has won a world award after the Big Apple Music Award in 2016.

The Sweater of the Senders won the Golden Panther Award at an online ceremony held on YouTube from New York City for the Corona virus, and the award was won due to several factors, the most important being the artist’s public participation and the strength of the songs it presents.

Kenza Morsli thanked his fans for their continued support and intense voting for his award, and thanked them through his official account on Instagram, considering that the most beautiful award that the artist can receive from his fans, that international award.

The Lifestyle Studios Studios also congratulated Mursli’s sweater on the award, especially after continued cooperation between them two years ago, where the two sides cooperated with four video songs that garnered millions of views, the last of which was “Baina Bayan “, which achieved around 9 million visits in 3 months.

Correspondents from Lifestyle Studios Kenza thanked them for their continued support and said through their official Twitter account: “A big thank you to the company that is loved by everyone’s hearts.
