Jumblatt: We have reached hell and what awaits us is more


Jumblatt: We have reached hell and what awaits us is more

The head of the Progressive Socialist Party, former deputy Walid Jumblatt, said that “the state is making its effort to confront the Corona virus, but there is a legal vacuum that needs a greater awareness campaign with society and if there was more centralization in this country , things would be better and there is a loss ”.

Jumblatt indicated, in an interview on the radio “Voice of All Lebanon”, that “many hospitals have been equipped, but there are 60% of the spaces in private hospitals that do not want to receive Corona patients”, saying: “The first lot of the vaccine should be dedicated to the medical corps that works in hospitals.

Jumblatt noted that “the Minister of Health is under tremendous pressure as a result of the outbreak of the disease, and I ask everyone to cooperate more.”

Politically, Jumblatt explained that “the Progressive Party works like other parties to confront the epidemic, and the work of the party does not replace the existence of a government or a ray of current hope to get out of the crisis, and nobody cares.” in Lebanon, but in France, and we have to take care of ourselves and there must be a settlement. “

He continued: “We have reached hell and more than that awaits us.”

Jumblatt stated that “the French initiative did not fail, but we failed as a result of internal accounts”, considering that “President Saad Hariri was insulted by the video that was leaked, and these small matters should be removed from the community at large” . Unless Hariri’s position is rejected and I own the “Let them rule” theory.

Jumblatt said: “I advise Hariri to observe i’tikaaf, and my advice is not binding, and the decision is up to him, and my relationship with the covenant is not good. I do not love them and I do not love myself.” his uncle, God forbid, the power is in his hands. “

Jumblatt was surprised by the “exposition account to the commander of the army”, asking: “Why today? And where did the commander of the army go wrong?”, Considering that “strange things are happening and there is a very strong party and behind from it there is a strong state called “Islamic Republic”.

At the regional level, Jumblatt saw that “the Syrian state has ended and Syrian President Bashar al-Assad remained as a result of Russian and Iranian interference, and did not make any concessions while he was there.”

Regarding the port investigation file, Jumblatt said, in his speech to “Voice of All Lebanon”, that “the investigations are not progressing because Assad and Assad’s friends in Lebanon have stopped the investigation, and the lack of subpoena of the President of the Republic is an error of Judge Fadi Sawan, and the investigation must continue, whoever is responsible. “

He continued: “We have seen the international investigation above where it took us, unless we have dollar reserves and years of waiting.”

And he considered that if the government had been formed, Macron probably would have opened the doors of the International Monetary Fund for the reconstruction of Beirut and the country.

In another context, Jumblatt pointed out that “we must work hard to improve the economic situation if the government is formed”, saying: “If there is no reconciliation between Aoun and former minister Gebran Bassil and Hariri, I tell Hariri: they rule because they want destruction and impoverishment. “

As for the neutrality theory, Jumblatt said: “This theory is old and impossible in Lebanon, but at least we must have positive neutrality and at least have autonomy.”

Furthermore, Jumblatt emphasized that “Hezbollah is strong because Iran is strong, and nothing has happened to Hezbollah, and it has its nature, it has the Iranian term and its will dictates to us.”

On international events, Jumblatt said: “I congratulated the President of the United States, Joe Biden, for calling Americans to unite, unlike former President Donald Trump, who divided the United States and his Chancellor gave indications that may be positive and Everything Trump did, Biden will not cancel. “

Returning to local politics, Jumblatt saw that “the US sanctions” are his force on us, “and what happened to the Lebanese people from this economic collapse is enough.”

He added: “I gave Saad Hariri some advice a year ago, I have an illusion or a fact that he can participate in this group, which is impossible to share because he is trapped in the mentality of the war of liberation and abolition.”
Jumblatt stated that “my realism should not be a message of pessimism that has no room even for loss of hope.”
