Jumblatt tweets about Ali Ghandour’s departure: “Bye, oh you”


Former MP Walid Jumblatt said: “Every week the news of the separation appears, and fate chooses a friend from family, history and memories.” He was elegant, affectionate in his sessions, and knowledgeable about the politics of the region. He supported me in the most difficult and delicate circumstances. Oh, the cruelty of time for your separation. He concluded: “Goodbye, Oh Ali, yours.”

Also read: Ali Ghandour from the gallows to the world of brilliant business

In the video – Dr. Shawki Azoury for “Al-Nahar”: This is how we protect our sanity from the hell of catastrophe.

We will not be destroyed …

3 weeks have passed since the Beirut tragedy and the wound has yet to heal. The pain is great but we will not be devastated. We rose from the heart of Beirut, in the “An-Nahar” building, witness to the explosion of the port and which quickly collected the rubble of its offices and came back to life, to say that we will not die and will not go bankrupt again. Our souls are tired, but we will try to protect them with all available means, because the will to live is stronger and protected from destruction.

Dr. Shawky Azoury talks to “Al-Nahar” about how to protect our sanity from the hell of catastrophe.
