Jumblatt: Hariri handed over the state to the Shiite duo and Basil


The head of the Progressive Socialist Party, former MP Walid Jumblatt, confirmed that “the democratic meeting will not participate in the binding parliamentary consultations in Baabda to appoint a head of the next government,” saying: “I have no problem with any name to head the next government. “

Jumblatt told Al-Jadid: “I have not given up, nor will I give up, and former Prime Minister Saad Hariri has called himself and there is no need to participate in binding parliamentary consultations,” announcing his refusal to “receive the Parliamentary delegation Hariri will send. “

He asked: “My last concern is who will be behind the nomination and domestication of Hariri to head the government, and the important thing today is that the patriots are represented from Akkar to the Kharroub region. I speak from a national point of view, and I ask to the finance and interior ministries prohibited for the Druze. ” We receive health, do we fail in it? Do we have the right to name? My name is Bilal Abdullah, Minister of Health, or Walid Ammar, what is the problem? The specifications change and Hariri says he wants a government of specialists without politicians, but we ask, isn’t it political?

He added: “I have no problem for MP Talal Arslan to appoint the Druze ministers, but I hope he does not neglect the sect because the Druze Almohads have given a lot to Lebanon and the region.”

“Will the Shiite duo visit people from space and angels?” Or will the Free Patriotic Movement allow people not to become ministers close to them? When Hariri forms the government, he will be asked to speak with MP Gebran Bassil to appoint the president’s side.

He continued: “I didn’t leave Beirut, but don’t I have the right to speak about the bitterness I feel?” In the last three years, Hariri handed over the Lebanese state to the Shiite duo and the Free Patriotic Movement represented by Basil.

Regarding the French initiative, he stressed that “we have all committed to the Pinar Palace of the initiative, but can I commit Hezbollah or the President of Parliament, Nabih Berri, to any clause of the initiative? To the results of the initiative he launched.

He continued: “I asked Hariri to facilitate the formation of the government and the initiative was to give the Ministry of Finance once to the Shiite component, and Berri told me: There is pressure on me. Everyone has a certain limit of freedom of movement and I asked the latter to also facilitate the success of the French initiative.

And he added: “They cornered the Druze community and handed it over to the Ministry of Information and Social Affairs, and energy is the first item that the French initiative called for reform.”

He stressed that “Hariri helped Bassil by passing a repealed electoral law, and there are areas that were not counted as Hariri, such as Sidon, for example, throughout history, the city of Maarouf Saad, and the Chouf district of Kamal Jumblatt. “.

He added: “I reject the coalition of minorities, and we must come together, and I support the organization of the dispute with Hezbollah, and here I wish that the Druze of Syria and the Druze of Lebanon remain neutral in the face of the adventures taking place in the region, especially in Syria. “

He asked: “Is Hezbollah interested in the country collapsing? Some people may give Lebanon hope, but Central Bank funds will run out, what is the solution? If Hariri is sincere, let me explain how we will streamline the Bank of Lebanon and keep the subsidies, and we don’t want it because they are easy loans. Rather, we want a productive economy and stop smuggling.

He continued: “I brought my money from abroad to Lebanon, not the other way around, and I am not a member of any bank. It is necessary to lift gasoline subsidies and, at the same time, strengthen public transport while securing cards for subsidized gasoline. We hope that Hezbollah will help the army and security forces to stop the smuggling, as it is not possible. ” Support Syria at the expense of the Lebanese people ”.
