Judiciary versus Corona: No trick!


Lina Fakhreddin wrote in “Al-Akhbar”: The number of people infected with Coronavirus is increasing in prisons where the number of prisoners exceeds their capacity. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Justice, in cooperation with the Supreme Judicial Council, is trying to speed up the trials, tolerate detention and submit requests for release. This fate seems unsuccessful, with the lack of equipment in courthouses and detention centers, the absence of supervision by judges and the lack of legalization of the electronic interrogation process.

A young man from Al-Sh. More than 8 months ago in one of the Bekaa detention centers. The detainee was charged with committing a misdemeanor with the aim of threatening during an incident, and without injury. He was arbitrarily detained, without being heard by the investigating judge, due to pressure from the archive. At that time, the young man obtained the revocation of a right, but his “bad luck” kept him detained without a frontal investigation order..

The father of the detainee stood up due to his frequent hesitations in the Palace of Justice, to ask the investigating judge to establish a session to question his son and issue an arrest warrant against him, but the judge administered the “ear of Tarsha “. He is the same “boss” who slept on his judicial vacation, so the file was transferred to another judge who released the detainee because his sentence expired more than 5 months ago..

The incident of this young man, who spent a full year in prison without a notable arrest warrant issued against him, is not an orphan in overcrowded detention centers and courthouses, and the most basic human rights are not respected. The number of Syrians without legal residence stands in the hundreds inside the interrogation centers. These escaped the war and went to the gutter of the Lebanese prison.

Consequently, it seems logical that the number of prisoners (more than 8000) exceeds the capacity of the 25 vessels and prisons distributed throughout the regions, provided that hundreds of detainees are waiting months to set a date for a session for their interrogation, or there are who have expired sentences without being able to pay fines or bonds. Be released and appoint a lawyer to pursue your case, or of the foreigners that General Security refuses to receive in their glasses in preparation for their deportation under the pretext of the Corona outbreak..

It is the crisis of an entire country that has overlooked the construction of rehabilitative prisons, the adoption of modern legal legislation and the increase in the number of judges and prosecutors, in addition to the laxity of security services and the carelessness of some judges of their judicial duties to the detriment of their personal interests, as well as some legal texts (for example, articles 402, 138 and 108 of the Law) did not apply. Criminal Procedures), which leads to overcrowding in detention centers, with detainees … who are not!

From paper and pen … to digital

So the crisis is there. What made matters worse was the spread of the coronavirus, with about 800 infections among inmates. At that time, the judiciary entered the state of Koma and the crisis grew almost exploding. Provisional Government Justice Minister Marie-Claude Negm, in cooperation with the Supreme Judicial Council, tried to find solutions. The most important ones are to popularize the idea of ​​remote electronic interrogation, to suspend time limits and try not to issue arrest warrants against those who commit “minor” offenses, and to facilitate the process of submitting release authorizations electronically and signing them with leniency, besides not appealing them..

The picture has become surreal: the judges who worked in the recent “tench” courthouses destined to go without electricity, heating and cooling systems, and issuing their judgments by fax, on paper and pen, have been forced to relocate into the world of technology with the click of a button and without prior notice.

Read the full article Press here
