Journalist reveals “the true motive for the murder of Luqman Salim”


Journalist Mona Alami announced on Thursday the true motive for the murder of journalist and activist Luqman Salim, pointing to “a meeting a few days ago between them, in which Salim revealed that he had arranged the defection of a senior Hezbollah official.”

In details, Alami clarified in an article published on the website of the English channel Al Arabiya that “What killed Salim was not his explicit criticism of Hezbollah, which in recent years has transformed Lebanon, with the tacit approval of the corrupt Lebanese leaders. – on an Iranian subordinate, at the expense of his economy and stability. And its external relations, “but because” it has gone too far in revealing the internal fabric of Hezbollah and its complex web on the Internet.

Alami explains that, in recent months, Salim has sought money laundering activities for Hezbollah, and possible contacts between merchants who facilitate these activities to the party, and that these individuals dealt with the Banque du Liban, as he told him personally.

Four days ago, on Sunday, January 31, “Salim asked me to stop by his office on Monday, where he wanted to discuss with me a sensitive issue that could only be done face to face,” says Alami. “When I met with him on Monday, January 1, he confirmed that he had been in contact with a business partner of Hezbollah, who was heavily involved in the party’s money laundering activities and was sanctioned by the Foreign Assets Control Office of United States (OFAC), “he adds. He was willing to defect in exchange for his expulsion from Lebanon and his protection from Hezbollah.”

“Salim was wondering what is the best way to do this, since any contact with a local foreign embassy would involve many parties, which could lead to intelligence leaks and threaten the life of the alleged dissident. US or Treasury Department “. . “

She also added in the article: “After three days, not knowing he was being pursued, Selim went south to have dinner with friends. He disappeared a few hours later that night, leaving his family devastated, only to be found dead afterward. one day. “

“It remains to be seen if another body, the body of the mysterious dissident, will appear in the next few weeks,” he concluded.
