Jordanian clarification on the arrest of Prince Hamzah bin Al-Hussein


Jordan today denied the validity of the accusations and accusations regarding the arrest of Prince Hamzah bin Al-Hussein, while Saudi Arabia claimed that it supports Jordan and supports King Abdullah’s decisions to preserve the security of his country.

In a statement issued by Jordan’s Chief of Staff, Major General Yusef Ahmad Al-Huneiti, following reports that some 20 people were arrested, including prominent personalities, Al-Huneiti confirmed the incorrectness of what was published about ” the accusations about the arrest of Prince Hamzah “.

Jordan’s Chief of Staff stated: “Prince Hamzah was asked to halt the movements and activities used to attack Jordan’s security and stability in the framework of joint comprehensive investigations carried out by the security services. As a result , Sharif Hassan bin Zaid, Basem Ibrahim Awad Allah and others were arrested. “
The Jordanian Chief of Staff confirmed that “the arrests were carried out within the framework of extensive joint investigations carried out by the security services.”

Al-Hunaiti said that “the investigations continue, and their results will be disclosed with full transparency and clarity,” and noted that “all the measures that have been taken were taken within the framework of the law and after intensive investigations that required them.” .

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