Joint Statement: Bahrain-Israel Relations Will Prosper


On Sunday, Washington, Manama and Tel Aviv confirmed, in a joint statement, that the establishment of diplomatic relations between Bahrain and Israel after the two countries signed a peace treaty last September contributes to a more secure and prosperous future.

The statement was issued by meetings in Manama that included Bahraini officials and US delegations led by US Secretary of the Treasury Stephen Mnuchin and with the participation of Israeli national security adviser Meir Bin Shabat.

The joint statement stated that “this chapter constitutes a continuation of remarkable regional and international efforts to promote peace in the Middle East and is a testament to the bold vision and leadership demonstrated by the three countries through sincere diplomatic efforts for peace. and sustainable prosperity. “

He referred to the agreement of the points of view of the three countries on the challenges, threats and opportunities available in the region, and the unleashing of the region’s potential through closer cooperation in matters of security, public diplomacy and participation. in the economy, technology and other common interests.

The statement affirmed that the two sides will continue their efforts to achieve a just, comprehensive and lasting solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Application to open the embassy

On Sunday, Israel’s Foreign Minister Gabi Ashkenazi made a formal request to his Bahraini counterpart Abdul Latif Al-Zayani to open an Israeli embassy in Manama, as a continuation of the peace treaty signed by the two countries in last september.

The request from the Israeli Foreign Ministry arrives, while Bahrain’s Foreign Minister Abdul Latif Al-Zayani said that Manama signed an agreement on Sunday to establish diplomatic relations with Israel.

Bahrain and Israel signed seven memorandums of understanding in a number of areas of cooperation between Bahrain and Israel, including waiving visa requirements for holders of diplomatic, special and service passports.

US Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin said that the signing of the Memoranda of Understanding between Israel and Bahrain is an important step for Middle East stability.

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