Johnson Receives “AstraZeneca” Vaccine Against Corona – Al-Manar TV Website – Lebanon


British Prime Minister Boris Johnson received the AstraZeneca vaccine against the Corona virus, which causes the “Covid-19” infection, on Friday amid growing concern about possible side effects from the vaccine.

Johnson, 56, underwent a vaccination with the British-Swedish company “AstraZeneca” at London’s St. Thomas Hospital, where he was receiving treatment after a serious infection with the emerging corona virus “Covid-19” last year. .

Johnson said, in a statement immediately after the injection, “I hardly felt anything, this went well and very quickly.”

Johnson urged all citizens of his country to do the same, declaring, “This is the best for you and the best for your families and everyone else.”

A group of European Union countries, including France, Germany, Austria, Italy, the Netherlands and Spain, previously suspended approval of the “AstraZeneca” vaccine, due to information indicating possible side effects related to discovered blood clots. in vaccines.

In light of these developments, the WHO Vaccine Safety Committee said Thursday that the feasibility of using the “AstraZeneca” vaccine outweighs its risks and recommended that immunization be continued.

Additionally, Britain’s Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency announced that it did not identify any evidence indicating that the AstraZeneca vaccine causes blood clots.

Today, the World Health Organization urged the countries of the world to continue vaccination with the preventive vaccine “AstraZeneca” against the Corona virus, noting that the vaccine “is very important because it constitutes more than 90% of the vaccines distributed through from Kovacs “.

Source: Reuters
