Jerusalem News Agency – A joint statement between the United States and the Zionists


After the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain.

Today, Friday October 23, 2020, the White House issued “Decree” No. 3, announcing that Sudan had entered the tunnel of normalization with the Zionist enemy, joining the Emirates and Bahrain.

Farman said: Following US President Donald Trump’s decision to remove Sudan from the list of countries sponsoring terrorism, the US and Israel agreed to partner with Sudan in its new beginning and ensure its full integration into the community international.

The White House statement added that the United States will take steps to restore Sudan’s sovereign immunity and engage its international partners to reduce Sudan’s debt burden, including advancing discussions on debt forgiveness in line with the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) initiative. The United States and “Israel” also pledged to work with their partners to help the people of Sudan strengthen their democracy, improve food security, combat terrorism and extremism, and benefit from their economic potential..

The leaders (Trump, Netanyahu, Burhan and Hamdok) agreed to normalize relations between Sudan and “Israel” and to end the state of hostility between (the two parties). In addition, the leaders agreed to initiate economic and commercial ties, with an initial focus on agriculture. The leaders also agreed that the delegations will meet in the coming weeks to negotiate cooperation agreements in those areas, as well as in the areas of agricultural technology, aviation, migration issues and other areas for the benefit of “the two peoples.” The leaders are determined to work together to build a better future and advance the cause of peace in the region. This step will enhance regional security and unlock new opportunities for the people of Sudan, (the entity), the Middle East and Africa..

Prime Minister (enemy) Netanyahu, President Al-Burhan and Prime Minister Hamdok expressed their appreciation to President Trump for his unique and pragmatic approach to ending old conflicts and building a future of peace and opportunity for all the peoples of the region..
