Jad Ghosn remains on “The New”


It was supposed to be at the end of the current September, when Jad Ghosn would move from the Al-Jadid channel to the East News (Bloomberg). However, smear and incitement campaigns launched by activists on Twitter, with the presenter announcing his move, managed to cancel the project entirely. Those campaigns interacted on social media and unearthed old tweets from the presenter criticizing the Saudi regime, thus blocking the transfer project. In this context, less than a month after Ghosn announced his resignation to the “new” and his willingness to travel to the United Arab Emirates, that step was practically canceled after the presenter faced a series of complications, the main one which did not obtain a visa to travel to Dubai. With this step, the United Arab Emirates put the sticks in his move to the Saudi screen, and forced him to stay in Lebanon. Ghosn posted a tweet explaining the reasons for breaking the contract with the channel and staying on the Lebanese screen. From this point of view, those responsible for the channel, which is preparing to launch its political and economic sections, invoked the legal breach of the contract.
