Italy was and will continue to be at the forefront of aid to Lebanon


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Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte confirmed on Tuesday, after his meeting with Lebanese President Michel Aoun, that Italy was and will remain on the front lines regarding emergency response and the rapid reconstruction of areas affected by the bombing of Beirut.

Conte added, during his visit to the Lebanese capital, on Tuesday, that the time has come to look ahead and build trust between citizens and institutions, “how to write a new page in the history of Lebanon”, considering that “it is a challenge. very large, but thanks to the Lebanese authorities, who can adhere to a path of renewal for the institutions and the government. ” Everything is made possible, and these demands have been demanded by civil society organizations and citizens for a long time, highlighting that “Italy respects the sovereignty of the Lebanese people and will remain close to them and hopes to form a new government to achieve reconstruction with a reform program that includes the legitimate demands of the citizens. “

The Italian Prime Minister indicated that “this path must be built for Lebanon to enjoy a prosperous and peaceful future, and I have expressed this position to the President of the Republic and will discuss these considerations with other people with whom I will meet, and Italy it will help support the stability and economic and social growth of Lebanon. Lebanon can depend on Italy. ” The role of Italy in the European Union and the international community “.

Conte considered that the port explosion shook not only Lebanon, but the entire international community, adding: “We intervene immediately through the Italian civil defense and send medical and health aid to Lebanon, and send a military field hospital with advanced capabilities, and teams were also sent to the Italian Army Engineer Regiment to work. In the port. “

Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte announced that his country had launched the “Cedar Emergency” to help Lebanon, during his speech in Beirut, during his official visit, in which he would meet with Lebanese officials.

Conte visited the port of Beirut and was informed about the progress of work on the Italian ship San Gusto, which docked in the port weeks after the port explosion.

Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte visits the site of the big explosion that occurred last month in the port of Beirut. Source: Reuters

Only an Italian media crew was able to accompany the Italian prime minister on board the ship.

Conte will meet with the Speaker of Parliament, the designated heads of government and the interim government.

The Italian prime minister is scheduled to visit the Italian field hospital on Tuesday afternoon in the Hadath region to see the progress of work there.

Aoun had discussed, at the Baabda Palace in Beirut, with the commander of “UNIFIL”, General Stefano Del Col, the situation in southern Lebanon, after the extension of international forces for another year.

The Lebanese president stressed “the importance of coordination between the Lebanese army and UNIFIL.”
