“It is unacceptable!” … France harshly criticizes Lebanon’s leaders 6 months after the Beirut attack


Paris criticized Lebanon’s leaders, accusing them of failing to honor the commitments they made to French President Emmanuel Macron after the devastating explosion that rocked the port of Beirut six months ago.

Paris Ambassador to Beirut Anne Griot said in a recorded message published Thursday that the terrible explosion turned Lebanese lives upside down, recalling the efforts made by France in the aftermath of the explosion, including President Macron’s visit to Beirut just two days after the tragic incident and the organization of two international conferences to provide emergency aid to Lebanon.

The diplomacy highlighted that France continues to provide aid to Lebanon in the face of comprehensive closure measures and the deterioration of the epidemiological situation due to the outbreak of the new Corona virus, while the country is going through an “economic, social and political crisis that we do not see an end” .

He continued: “Six months after the explosion, it is unacceptable that the Lebanese continue to wait for answers from their leaders. It is unacceptable that Lebanon continues without a government to respond to the social and health crisis and to begin implementing the structural reforms necessary to the recovery and stability of the country “.

The French ambassador affirmed that the commitments made by the Lebanese leadership with Macron remain a dead letter, adding: “It is unacceptable to continue trusting in the firmness of the Lebanese and Lebanese who seek quality treatment, food and education.” and who hope to live together with dignity in their country ”.

Greau stressed that the French “have not forgotten the Lebanese, and that their French and collective responsibility is essential.” He addressed the leaders of Lebanon, saying: “Have the courage to work and France will help you.”

Source: RT
