“It has nothing to do with the truth”, Shuqair’s reply to Jumblatt


Former Minister Mohamed Choucair responded in a tweet on his Twitter account to the words of the President of the Progressive Socialist Party, Walid Jumblatt, about the monopoly on food imports.

Choucair expressed his surprise, “the words issued by a national leader like Walid Jumblatt, who in the face of the existential crisis that Lebanon is going through, are supposed to be based on truthful information to illuminate public opinion and not contribute to misleading it.”

He considered that “Jumblatt’s saying on the new screen that I monopolized food imports is unfortunate because it is not related to the truth. My private business is known to everyone, and I have never dealt with importing food for subsidized food. The list of importers is known by the Ministry of Economy and the Bank of Lebanon, so a clarification is required. ”

“The list of food subsidies benefits merchants like Shukair and Abu Rakhousa,” Jumblatt said in an interview with Al-Jadid TV, while talking about lifting the subsidies.
