It distorts the shape of the virus to block it … Learn about the drug “Regeneron” to treat Corona


The grant from the US Food and Drug Administration, the use of the drug “Regeneron” as the first treatment for the Covid 19 disease, increased its effectiveness in facing the Corona virus.

And the drug, which was produced by the biotech company “Regeneron”, and was used specifically to treat the President of the United States, Donald Trump.

According to the “New York Times” newspaper, the first studies on Regeneron’s drug “Regen-Cove-2” showed promising results and contributed to keeping the infection under control and reducing medical visits to those who received the drug at the beginning of the infection.

The drug’s formula carries a mixture of two antibodies, made from infection-fighting proteins that have been developed to bind to a part of the emerging coronavirus that it uses to invade human cells.

The antibodies adhere to different parts of a “protein column” in the virus coat, distorting its structure, similar to changing the shape of a key so that it does not fit in its lock.

In a research article published in the US journal “Science” in June, Regeneron scientists described how they chose the two best antibodies from both recovered human patients and infected mice that were genetically modified to give them human-like immune systems.

In another article in the same prominent scientific journal, the scientists called for caution, as by using two antibodies, there is a possibility of a random SARS-Cove-2 mutation to evade the antibodies and then switch to a more dominant strain of the virus. .

With its license, Regeneron now enjoys a limited license for its use, as it is intended for people over 12 years of age, in the event that they become infected with the Coronavirus that puts them at risk of developing severe symptoms of the disease.

Regeneron confirmed that it will deliver a sufficient quantity of the drug for at least 80,000 patients by the end of November, a figure that will increase to 200,000 by next January and 300,000 by the end of the same month.

Data from Hungarian studies on the drug indicated that it works best in cases that do not show an adequate immune response to the virus, or in those with high levels of the virus in their body, which puts them at greater risk.

Despite its emergency license, clinical trials are still ongoing regarding the drug, in parallel with studies looking at whether the treatment was able to prevent infection for those who had contact with people infected with the coronavirus.
