Israeli War Minister: I visited all Arab countries in secret


What is the reason for the visit of the Israeli Minister of War to the Arab countries?

He said they were military missions.

What did he say about the future of Israeli-Palestinian relations?

He said: “Israel will not withdraw at the 1967 borders.”

Israeli War Minister Benny Gantz revealed his visit to all Arab countries and described the peace with the Arab countries as “an alliance of moderate forces.”

In an interview with the Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper published on Thursday, Gantz said that he visited all Arab countries “but in secret while conducting military missions,” expressing his desire to visit them “openly, officially, in a friendly and peaceful manner.”

Gantz called on the Palestinian leadership and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to “join the peace process and not stay in the back lines”, emphasizing that “the Palestinians want and deserve an entity in which to live independently.”

In this regard, he said: “Peace in the region will remain incomplete without the Palestinians,” adding: “Israel also wants to separate from the Palestinians, and we want guarantees for our security. If we agree on security issues, a political solution will come easily. We will have to find not only solutions. “Have deep cooperation in economics, science and technology, education and everything. This is a historic opportunity. “

He stressed that “Jerusalem must remain united. But there will be a place for a Palestinian capital. It is a very spacious city, full of sanctities for all,” and stressed that “Israel will not withdraw at the 1967 borders.”

He said: “I spent about 38 years fighting in the Israeli army. And you believed me that the army generals who saw and tasted the scourge of war were the ones who wanted peace the most. Among our generals, I can say with confidence that I am the who most seeks peace “.

He considered that “peace with the Arab countries is an alliance of moderate forces that express the true desire of the citizens. Of course, we cannot ignore the existence of a countershaft, which is the Iranian axis that threatens Israel and all Arab countries. “.

Gantz added: “Let’s hope this axis reaches the necessary conclusion of the winds of peace, and he too begins to shift towards peace, but if he does not, he will face unfortunate consequences and now face great difficulties. See how Syria lives today, Lebanon, Iraq or Libya or Yemen. This axis is being destroyed and we seek peace and prosperity for our peoples. But the most important thing is that we are going for alliances of peace and not war. “

Internally, he responded to a question on whether “Israel” is heading into snap elections by saying: “Yes, it seems. As long as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is uncompromising in his position and refuses to implement the promises he has made and the agreements we have reached. , and on the basis of which we established this government, the only path before us will be elections. “

On September 15, Israel concluded with each of the Emirates and Bahrain two agreements to normalize relations, which the Palestinian factions rejected as a “stab in the back”, and both Sudan and Morocco have the right to normalization, while Israel He claims that other Arab countries will sign normalization agreements with him.
