Israeli tourists in the United Arab Emirates steal everything they can take from hotels – Al-Manar channel website – Lebanon


A month has passed since the start of flights between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, and there are already reports that Zionist tourists are stealing everything they can carry from hotels, according to “Yediot Aharonot.”

The newspaper quoted a Zionist businessman as saying: “Many years ago I came to the UAE and do business there … Last month I arrived at the hotel where I was staying and was terrified when I saw Israelis in the hotel lobby. opening your suitcases before checking out and being registered. Objects stolen from the rooms ”.

A manager of a hotel overlooking the Burj Khalifa said: “We receive hundreds of tourists from all over the world and there are quite a few tourists who cause problems. Recently, we were detained by Israeli tourists who came to the hotel and took everything we could carry, such as towels, tea and coffee bags, and even lamps. “

The newspaper adds that he asked the hotel manager to provide examples of the robberies carried out by the Zionists, so he said: “A family with two children wanted to check out and we discovered that things were missing in the room … When the representative of the hotel lobby asked to explain the loss of these things, the guests began to shout … An argument, they agreed to open the bags, to find ice cubes, hangers and face towels … When we told them that we would notify The police decided to return the things and apologize.

Source: Yediot Aharonot
