Israeli media: Trump has been disappointed by Netanyahu for not supporting his election campaign


The Israeli website “Walla News” says that President Donald Trump expected Netanyahu to support him in his election campaign, but the latter did not publicly announce his candidate, and Netanyahu said he would be happy to work with anyone in the United States who wants to. promote “peace”.

  • Trump was disappointed in Netanyahu because he did not publicly announce his presidential candidate or support his campaign.
    Trump was disappointed in Netanyahu because he did not publicly announce his presidential candidate or support his campaign.

The Israeli website “Wallah News” said today, Thursday, that US President Donald Trump is disappointed in Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for not supporting him in the presidential elections. While Netanyahu instructed, following speeches by Biden and Trump following the closing of the funds, all Likud ministers not to publicly declare the matter until the final results are known.

The site stated that the US administration feels that Netanyahu has “betrayed” it and did not support Trump publicly, after he was careful not to jump hard into the American political quagmire and preferred not to openly announce his favorite candidate in the election.

The site indicated that Netanyahu hoped the first election results would be a victory for Trump, but was wrong and kept quiet for now.

He noted that Netanyahu expected the initial results to indicate Trump’s victory, but he was wrong. Meanwhile, Netanyahu is silent, “but he is preparing for an attack of magic, at a time when he is preparing to pass on memories of friendship with the Democratic candidate, Joe Biden,” according to the website.

He emphasized that the phone call that Trump, Netanyahu and the Sudanese leaders had two weeks ago, during which they announced the normalization agreement, was “historic”, but that a small part of it took place in front of television cameras, which alarmed Netanyahu’s advisers after Trump asked Netanyahu about his candidate. Favorite, the latter responded with a diplomatic comment, that he would be happy to work with anyone in the United States who wants to promote peace.

Walah noted that in the morning, with the arrival of preliminary results showing that Trump won in Florida and Ohio, sources close to Netanyahu said he had expressed their satisfaction and even warned of optimism that the president could win. However, when Biden and Trump gave their initial response speech after the funds were closed, Netanyahu ordered all Likud ministers not to publicly state the matter until the final results were clear.

The absolute majority of government ministers have kept silent. Health Minister Yuli Edelstein, who was asked about this at the health conference, immediately sidestepped, according to the Israeli website, saying he wanted to wait for the final results. Settlement Affairs Minister Tzachi Hanegbi was less disciplined, telling Israel Radio that if Biden also wins, he doesn’t think Trump’s policy on settlements will change. It is unclear on what Hanegbi based his statement. Biden, as vice president, has adopted a clear policy against the deals, and all his close advisers have rigid positions on the issue.

Although the results are not final yet and Biden is not the president, Netanyahu’s advisers have begun to remind reporters of the years-long friendship between Biden and Netanyahu. Even Netanyahu’s men added that Biden is not Obama and that they have no doubt that Netanyahu will know how to work with him, according to “Wah.”

He added: “At this point, Biden’s path to 270 totals appears to be more paved than Trump’s path, but the final answer will only come in the next few days. A lot of people that Netanyahu needed something from them over a period of years. He says he’s a courtesan. He’s not tired. He uses all his magic to persuade. And if he announces that Biden is the winner, Netanyahu will need all the courtship qualifications he has more than ever.

Wallah News noted that after a few hours, an informal conversation took place between one of Trump’s advisers and one of Netanyahu’s advisers, during which he informed the US side that he was disappointed in Netanyahu’s reaction, as he expected have more support from him.

It is noteworthy that President Trump, after the publication of most of the preliminary results of the states in the US electoral race, and while waiting for the remaining crucial states, spoke of the “damage” that the electoral system suffered.

Trump’s words came after his presidential campaign announced that he had filed a lawsuit in Michigan to “stop the counting of votes in the presidential election.”

In the latest information on the US presidential election, and in the face of impending victory, candidate Joe Biden has run in Arizona and Nevada, while Trump has run in Georgia. Badin won in Wisconsin by 49.4 percent, compared to 48.8 percent for his opponent, Trump, after 99% of the votes were counted, according to CNN.

If Trump won in Pennsylvania, as his campaign announced, the total will be 234 delegates to Trump, compared to 264 for Biden, pending the results of other states, namely Georgia, North Carolina and Nevada, which will be he hopes they will be decisive in announcing the winner, and to which Biden advances.

Before the announcement of the final results of the presidential elections, several states in the United States witnessed demonstrations denouncing racism and police violence and demanding that all votes be counted, while police intervened and detained dozens to put an end to the tension.
