Israeli Knesset ratifies normalization agreement with United Arab Emirates and Bahrain


The prime minister of the Israeli occupation government, Benjamin Netanyahu, says that “many Arab countries change their approach towards us” and the Israeli Knesset ratifies the normalization agreement between “Israel”, the Emirates and Bahrain.

  • The Knesset clings to a deal
    The “Joint List” opposed the agreement, which obtained 80 votes out of 120

Tonight, Thursday, the Israeli Knesset, by a majority of its members, approved the normalization agreement between “Israel”, the Emirates and Bahrain. 80 members voted in favor of the agreement, while the “Joint List” opposed it.

The prime minister of the Israeli occupation government, Benjamin Netanyahu, said, before the start of the voting process, that this day “was not many days like this in the history of Israel”, adding that “many Arab countries change their focus towards U.S.

He continued: “What brought about this transformation is our fight against the nuclear deal with Iran,” he said.

Netanyahu took the opportunity to vote on the normalization agreement, to highlight his role in achieving what he described as “an achievement that comes within a larger chain”, and said: “Israel, under my leadership, has become into great technology, intelligence and cybernetics, and this combination of our economic and technological strength and our military and intelligence strength gave us a great diplomatic strength. ” “.

Netanyahu denied the existence of classified clauses in the standardization agreement, following a request from Netanyahu’s head of the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, Zfika Hauser, to obtain a report on the secret details of the agreement, in order to implement parliamentary oversight.

The Israeli newspaper “Jerusalem Post” is reported to have said that Netanyahu had accepted requests to appear before the Knesset to explain the secret parts of the normalization agreement with the United Arab Emirates, “but not before Thursday, when the entire Knesset voted to approve it “.

The newspaper stated that “Netanyahu will not reveal the secret parts of the UAE agreement in the Knesset until after the Knesset vote.”

Netanyahu referred to the rapprochement between some Arab countries and Tel Aviv, and said: “We opened the Saudi sky to the flights that pass between Israel and India. I visited the Sultanate of Oman with my wife, and met the leader of Sudan, and met in Warsaw with 6 representatives from Arab countries, and there were also secret meetings. ” It is not yet time to reveal them. ”

In another context, Netanyahu referred to indirect negotiations between Lebanon and “Israel”, saying that “as long as Hezbollah continues to control Lebanon, there will be no real peace with this country.”

It should be noted that the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and “Israel” signed the “family normalization” agreement in mid-September, under the auspices of US President Donald Trump.
