Israeli attacks on the people of the occupied Golan


The protest of the people of the occupied Golan against the Israeli project (Twitter)

Several residents of the occupied Syrian Golan were injured today, Wednesday, after the Israeli occupation army fired rubber bullets and tear gas canisters to suppress protesters against the establishment of a wind turbine project within their lands, while the Arab League condemned the Israeli attack.
Sources told Al-Araby Al-Jadeed that the occupation army intercepted with rubber bullets and tear gas canisters a gathering of people from the occupied Syrian Golan to protest against the wind turbine project that the occupation began to implement in the region.
According to sources, the meeting between the villages of Majdal Shams and Masada was attacked, as people tried to reach the project site with the aim of holding a sit-in there, coinciding with the announcement of a comprehensive strike in the towns of the occupied Golan in protest against the project.

Anger prevails in the cities of the occupied Syrian Golan, in rejection of the Israeli project, which would usurp the lands owned by the people of the region.

The leaders of the occupied Golan announced the strike as an escalation step within the protest steps against the installation of 25 giant wind turbines to produce energy and thus see an existential threat to the villages of Majdal Shams, Baqatha, Masada and Ain Qenya.
Last Monday, the occupation forces set up barricades between towns and cities in the occupied Syrian Golan, with the aim of preventing residents from gathering and accessing their agricultural lands to protest against the land seizure and the construction of a gigantic project. of wind turbines by the Israeli occupation.
The “Israeli National Planning and Infrastructure Committee” of the occupation government approved on September 9, 2019, by the majority of its members, the “wind turbines” project, and on January 12, 2020, the Ministerial Affairs Committee Planning approved the project, and it became a decision. Government on the 30th of the same month.
This project was entrusted to the Israeli alternative energy company “Energex” for its implementation, it consists of 32 turbines, each 220 meters high, its size is the largest among the turbines used in the world so far.
Many human rights organizations have condemned the implementation of the Israeli project in the occupied Syrian Golan, especially the lands that produce apples and cherries.

The project is considered an existential threat to the inhabitants of the Syrian Golan and aims to consolidate the economic occupation of the Golan in a way that violates the right of usufruct stipulated in Article 55 of the Fourth Hague Agreement on the rules and customs of the ground war of 1907.
A statement issued last April by various human rights organizations confirmed that this project has dangerous and devastating effects on the occupied Golan, and will lead to the destruction of an important part of its traditional agricultural economy represented by the planting of trees, especially apples and cherries, in addition to its danger to the health of its inhabitants due to noise and waves. Infrasound and flash, and the auditory disturbances they cause.
According to the statement, the establishment of this project will prevent the urban expansion of three occupied Syrian villages out of the five that remained in the Golan after its occupation in 1967, namely Majdal Shams, Masada and Baqatha, which will exacerbate the suffocating crisis of housing faced by the inhabitants of these villages, in addition to distorting the natural landscape of the Golan. Occupy and endanger wildlife.

Last year, the US administration recognized, in a move that provoked much controversy, Israeli sovereignty over the occupied Syrian Golan.

The Arab League condemns
Meanwhile, the Arab League condemned in the strongest terms the frenzied attack by the Israeli army against the people of the occupied Syrian Arab Golan, and the severe oppression and abuse to which they are subjected, while standing up to the measures of the occupying army. to confiscate their lands and plant settlements and wind turbines on their agricultural lands. In a statement issued by one of its officials, it said: “The international community and its concerned organizations have a special responsibility to address these violations,” and emphasized the need to work to provide the necessary international protection and end the occupation of the occupied Palestinian and Arab lands.
