Israel and Bahrain will sign a peace agreement tomorrow … which includes 10 areas!


The Israeli media revealed that Bahrain and Israel will sign, tomorrow Sunday, an agreement to establish diplomatic relations and open embassies between Manama and Tel Aviv, and the “temporary” agreement will be signed in the capital of Bahrain, Manama.

The Hebrew newspaper “Jerusalem Post” stated, in a report, that senior Bahraini and Israeli officials will sign a temporary diplomatic agreement in Manama, under the auspices of US Treasury Secretary Stephen Mnuchin and the White House envoy to the East. Middle, Avi Berkowitz.

A senior official told the Israeli website “Walla” that the goal is to begin to implement the declaration of support for peace issued by the White House, introduce more elements into it, detail it and define general principles for relations between the two countries. It will be signed in several fields. “

The newspaper noted that the agreement stipulates that Israel and Bahrain agree not to take hostile measures towards each other, and will work to prevent hostilities by a third party, and confirms that the two countries are committed to coexistence and education for peace.

According to Walla’s website, the agreement specifies a list of 10 areas in which the two parties will work, namely: investment, civil aviation, tourism, commerce, science and technology, agriculture and the environment, telecommunications and postal services, health , water and energy, and legal cooperation.

In a related context, Israeli scholar and scholar Eddie Cohen said in an interview with Al-Hurra that “the interests of all parties are to establish diplomatic relations with Israel”, stating that “normalization is for the welfare of all” .

Cohen added: “Everyone benefits and the areas of trade are different, including agriculture, irrigation, water purification, information security, security issues, technology. I think the Palestinians are the biggest losers.” .

Last September, US President Donald Trump announced a peace agreement that he described as historic between Israel and Bahrain, weeks after a similar agreement concluded by the United Arab Emirates with Israel.
