Isolation of a Lebanese people and the reason is … the outbreak of the Crown!


The governor of northern Lebanon, Judge Ramzi Nahra, issued a decision to “isolate the city of Kfardlakos (Beit Al-Bayaa) – Zgharta district, due to the increasing number of people infected with the Corona virus.

The text of the decision read the following:
First article:
The town of Kfardlakos – Zgharta district is isolated and completely closed for a week from its date, after the high number of Corona epidemic cases within the municipal term, so samples would be taken from neighbors and contacts of the locality, the necessary tests were carried out and the spread of the epidemic was controlled. And cancel all social events, parties, evenings and meetings of all kinds.

– Second topic:
Institutions related to the health sector (hospitals – pharmacies – dispensaries), furnaces and fuel and gas distribution warehouses are exclusively excluded from the closure decision. As for food stores of all kinds and supermarkets, they are closed from seven in the afternoon to six in the morning, provided that the health conditions and preventive measures and citizen security are met, wearing a mask, personal hygiene and not overcrowding, maintaining adequate distances between people and permanent sterilization and counting both on the delivery service. Possible.

Article three:
The municipality of Kfardalaqous obliges the strict application of preventive measures, forcing citizens and residents to the principles of social distancing, prevention, not wandering and mixing, not leaving home except in cases of extreme necessity, and the mandatory use of the muzzle to cover his mouth and nose when he is forced to move, until the epidemic has receded and the wounded recover and life returns to normal. .

Article four:
The Internal Security Forces are in charge of coordinating with the municipality of Kfardalakos to implement the content of this decision and organize the act of suspension of assets.

Article Five:
This decision will take effect from its issuance. “

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