Is the president silent on the most blatant Iranian rape?


The Lebanese newspaper “An-Nahar” expressed surprise at what it described as the extremely negative regional event towards Lebanon, which was depicted in the “most brazen” Iranian assault on the Lebanese arena.
The newspaper said in its editorial on Sunday that this incursion defies the principle of Lebanon’s sovereignty and never stops in the face of respecting the minimum rules of business between countries, considering that this reckless position constitutes a flagrant violation of the sovereignty of Lebanon and of the existence of the entire state.

This came as a comment to statements made by a commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard on the eve of the first anniversary of the assassination of the commander of the Al-Quds Brigade, General Qassem Soleimani, when he considered Lebanon to be the first line of defense with Gaza of Iran against Israel.

The Commander of the Air Force in the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, Ali Hajizadeh, said: “All the missile capabilities that Gaza and Lebanon possess have been supported by Iran, and they are the front line for confrontation.” He added: “We know the resistance front to make fishing rods, instead of providing fish, and Lebanon and Gaza have the technology to make missiles,” noting that “the capabilities of the resistance axis are no longer what they were ten years ago. , and today the Palestinians fire rockets instead of throwing stones. “

He threatened: “We have a blanket order from the guide, Ali Khamenei, to settle Haifa and Tel Aviv on the ground, in case anything foolish is committed against Iran, and we have worked for the past few years to do so,” noting that Tehran “Support any party that opposes Israel.” .

The newspaper promised the statement that it was a flagrant and very serious violation of the degradation of diplomatic relations between countries, and for that reason it asked a very big question: “Will the President of the Republic, General Michel Aoun, keep silent about this? violation described? And Israel, at a time when Iran and its weapons are evading Israeli attacks on their sites in Syria?
