Iran’s Revolutionary Guard: missiles from Lebanon and Gaza have Tehran’s support and are the front line to confront Israel


The Iranian Revolutionary Guard: the missiles from Lebanon and Gaza have the support of Tehran and are the front line to confront Israel

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The commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Air Force, Ali Hajizadeh, confirmed on Saturday that “all the missile capabilities of Gaza and Lebanon have been supported by Iran, and are the first line of confrontation.”

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Ali Haji Zadeh said during an interview with the Lebanese channel Al-Manar: “We teach the Resistance Front to make fishing rods, instead of providing fish, and Lebanon and Gaza have the technology to make missiles,” noting that “The capacities of the resistance axis are no longer what they were ten years ago. Today, the Palestinians fire rockets instead of throwing stones. “

Zada pointed out that “there is an intersection of fire in the sky of Israel, between Syria, Lebanon and Palestine”, and stressed that “the Palestinians today have the technology to make precision missiles.”

The Iranian Air Force commander threatened: “We have a general order from the guide, Ali Khamenei, to settle Haifa and Tel Aviv on the ground, in case anything foolish is committed against Iran, and we have worked for the past few years to be able to do it, “and noted that Tehran supports” any party that stands in front of Israel. “

He added that “the Arab countries will be the most affected by any war with Iran,” and explained that “there will be no difference between the US bases and the countries that host them in any war against Iran.”

Zadeh noted that “the United States and Israel will not provide security to anyone in the region.”

The Air Force Commander declared that “maintaining Iran’s missile range up to two thousand kilometers will not be forever.” “Our missile capabilities are not for negotiation, and no one has the right to ask Tehran for that.”

Source: RT
