Iranians reject a “homemade vaccine” … and cry out for the World Health Organization


Iranian activists interacted with the hashtag # Waxen_bakhred, which means “buy the vaccine”, to express their rejection of the vaccine Tehran is working on.

The hashtag, which spread remarkably, was accompanied by tweets launched by Iranians in the English language in an attempt to convey their voice to the international community, as they sought help from the World Health Organization in obtaining internationally accredited Corona virus vaccines, and they expressed concern that the authorities in their country would force them to take a locally manufactured vaccine. It is still in the experimental stage.

On December 9, Iran announced that a local vaccine development project had obtained permission to conduct human clinical trials, according to the Chinese news agency Xinhua.

According to Iranian authorities, three more companies may be allowed to conduct human trials by the end of January.

The Iranian vaccine relies on complete, ineffective viruses that immunize the recipient’s body against infection.

Since the start of the pandemic, Iran has detected more than 1,183,182 cases of corona infection in its soil, in addition to 54,308 deaths from the disease, according to the “World-O-Meter” observatory.

An Iranian tweeted, saying: “The Iranians don’t want to wait for the Iranian vaccine. Buy the vaccine now.

Another tweet said on Twitter that “Iranians have been through enough.”

“Our medical staff is very overloaded,” he added. We all deserve to receive the vaccine approved by the US Food and Drug Administration.

One of them shared a picture of a famine and another of the funeral of the Corona victims, attached with a comment saying that “Iran’s history repeats itself again.”

Another tweet read: “We, the people of Iran, are separated from government and politics. We want peace and health for all the people of the world. We need the vaccine, please help us. “

Another tweeted: “We want to survive.”

A tweet called World Health Organization, “Please do something for us.” Our government doesn’t care about us. “

“We are not numbers,” he tweeted. we are human beings “.

According to Al-Hurra.
