Iran is testing a local vaccine against Corona, and the daughter of the head of the “Order of the Imam Implementation Committee” receives the first dose.


Today, Tuesday, Iran began testing its national Corona virus vaccine on volunteers, including the daughter of the head of the “Order of the Imam Implementation Committee” as the first volunteer to receive the Iranian Corona vaccine.

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Iran presents its first anti-Corona vaccine

According to our correspondent, the volunteer is the daughter of the head of the Imam’s Orders Execution Committee, whose name is Taiba Mukhber, who received the first dose of the vaccine, followed by the committee’s deputy director, Ali Askari. This committee is reported to work under the supervision of the Iranian guide.

Taiba Mukhbar expressed his joy at receiving the first dose of the vaccine and said that he hoped the Iranian vaccine would lead to a positive result.

Tehran called the vaccine “Koo Iran Blessed” as it can be kept at a temperature between 2 and 8 degrees Celsius, and Imam Khomeini’s order implementation committee said the vaccine is safe and that no side effects appeared in the recipient of the vaccine.

Iranian Health Minister Saeed Namaki met with Taiba Mukhber after receiving the vaccine and said Iran was able to manufacture the first vaccine for the virus in Asia and that it is looking to produce more than one model.

For his part, Muhammad Mukhbar, head of Imam Khomeini’s Order Execution Committee, which oversees the vaccine industry, said health authorities are working to produce the vaccine through three other routes, indicating that their goal is to produce one and a half million doses over the next two weeks and 12 million doses midway. 2021.

About sixty thousand citizens requested to receive the vaccine voluntarily, since the Committee for the Implementation of Imam Khomeini’s orders said that thirty thousand of them have the health conditions to take the vaccine.

Tehran struggled to obtain the vaccine from abroad due to US sanctions, which make it difficult to transfer funds to foreign companies, but Central Bank Governor Abdel Nasser Hemmati announced last week that Tehran had obtained approval from the Office of US Treasury Control of Foreign Assets On the payment of fees for Iranian assets frozen in one country, it did not announce, but said it was not South Korea, and indicated that an amount of 200 million had been allocated euros for the purchase of the vaccine.

On the other hand, the director of the Iranian Red Crescent Society, Karim Hemmati, said that Iran seeks to buy one million doses of the Chinese vaccine, stating that Western charities will donate 150,000 doses of the vaccine to Tehran. American Pfizer.

The director of the Red Crescent Society said Iran needs between 19 million and 29 million doses of the vaccine.

The General Coordinator of the Revolutionary Guard, Brigadier General Muhammad Reza Naqdi, called for the mobilization of the Revolutionary Guard Corps and Basij to avoid receiving any foreign vaccines, and warned of what he called the dangers of foreign vaccines.

Iran tests local vaccine against Corona and president's daughter

Source: RT
