Iran is secretly developing nuclear technology


US special envoy to Iran Elliott Abrams has warned that Tehran is secretly working to develop nuclear technology, so it has not allowed IAEA inspectors access to its nuclear sites for six months.

Abrams said during his speech at the “United Against Nuclear Iran” symposium on Tuesday that Iran is not cooperating with international inspectors, accusing it of obstructing the efforts of the International Atomic Energy Agency and demanding that there be accountability and punishment for this. violation of the nuclear agreement.

Under President Donald Trump, the United States adopted a “maximum pressure” policy against Eram, reimposing severe economic sanctions on him following his decision in 2018 to unilaterally withdraw from the deal on Iran’s nuclear program.

He said: “The Iranian regime has hidden many documents related to the nuclear program, while it has preserved many scientists working together on nuclear technology.”

He added that “Iran wanted to keep the option of going back to the nuclear program, so it began to expand its uranium enrichment and proliferation activities and placed itself in a position that allows it to produce nuclear materials.”

Abrams stressed that “it is important to prevent Iran from reaching a position that allows it to launch into the manufacture of a nuclear weapon.”
