Iran is pumping millions … and “doesn’t have the money to buy a Corona vaccine”


The head of the Health Committee of the Iranian Parliament, Hossein Ali Shahriari, said: “The Iranian government has not provided the necessary funds to buy the Corona vaccine.”

In an interview with the semi-official ISNA news agency published on Friday, Shahriari said that “Iran must get the necessary money by converting its local currency to the franc currency and from there sending it abroad to get the vaccine, but it was unable to do so.”

But Shahriari did not mention the reasons why Iran did not convert its currency to the franc and sent it abroad, while the Iranian government has issued contradictory statements about obtaining the Corona vaccine abroad, according to the report on the website “Radio Farda “.

And to Shahryari, the head of the Central Bank, Abdel Nasser Hemmati, stated that “the process of transferring funds to obtain the Corona vaccines faces problems due to the sanctions imposed on Tehran.”

On the other hand, the head of the scientific committee of the headquarters of the fight against Corona, Mustafa Qanei, stated that “Iran does not have the aircraft and the necessary means of transport designated to transport the Pfizer vaccine.

The Pfizer / Biontech vaccine, which is produced in the United States, must be kept at very low temperatures, compared to other Chinese and Russian vaccines.

The allegations of no money inside Iran are reported to come as the Iranian regime continues to pump millions of dollars into loyalist groups in the Middle East.

The US embassy in Baghdad released a report last year, saying that “Khamenei’s wealth is estimated at $ 200 billion, most of which is under three institutions: Imam Khomeini’s Order Execution Authority, the Mostazafan Foundation and the Astan Quds Razavi Foundation “.

The Khomeini Foundation’s donation income is 27 billion Iranian rials a year, according to data released in 2016.

It is noteworthy that more than 1,140,000 Iranians have been infected with the Corona virus, since the beginning of its spread in the country, while about 53,000 have died.
