Iran doubles the range of the missile “Jask 2”, the torpedo “and Al-Fajr” – Al-Manar channel website – Lebanon


The Iranian army naval force commander, Admiral Hossein Khanzadi, announced that the range of the Jask-2 surface-to-surface missile and the “Al-Fajr” torpedo will be doubled, noting the use of new drones with high capabilities. In an interview with Iranian television, the commander of the Army Naval Force, Admiral Hossein Khanzadi, referred to the broadcast of the “Zulfiqar 99” maneuvers and said: “As we have seen in recent days, there was a lot of noise in the media, especially the western media. “

He stressed that “the unjust embargo on the Islamic Republic since the beginning of the revolution, especially in the field of defense, did not affect the country’s military capabilities. Rather, Iran has achieved great achievements on the defense front.” “This is a kind of inspiration for the free peoples of the world, because Iran has resisted all these embargo measures, and all the arrogance has opposed the Iranian people, but they could not do anything. They (the arrogant powers) are worried about transferring the experience from Iran to other countries, “added the navy commander. Iran’s defense capabilities against foreign threats are doubling day after day, and if one day they roam the open sea arrogantly, they cannot do so today.

Admiral Khanzadi continued: “Today, foreign forces are miles away from the borders of the Islamic Republic of Iran and yet they are concerned and know that if they commit evil actions against Iran, they will receive a terrible response, and that the The message of these maneuvers is power, peace and security, and that those who have received “This message is in the region and they realized that our country is not subject to the yoke of colonialism. It has not only established its own security, but also it has also established regional security. “

Admiral Khanzadi said: “The area in which the ‘Zulfiqar 99’ maneuvers were carried out is distinguished by regional and global geopolitical characteristics, as it contains five maritime corridors in addition to the Suez Canal, as well as the power supply center. of the world and a third of world trade passes through this region.

He stressed that “the seas are a very important issue for the Islamic Republic,” adding: “On the Islamic Republic of Iran shipping lines, any ship that wants to import oil and transport goods to Iran must go through the maritime routes in the region, and the safety of the seas is very important to Iran. ” He explained that “security is important in all economic fields, and without the economy security cannot be achieved, and both complement each other, and this connection with Iran is through the northern Indian Ocean and the shores of Makran in the southeast of the country “.

He noted that Imam Khamenei emphasized “the need to manufacture advanced equipment locally, as an agreement in this field was reached with Iranian knowledge companies that have extensive experience in the field of complex modern technology,” noting that “90% of the naval force equipment is manufactured locally by Iranian Knowledge Companies, and more than 400 spare parts are produced by the Jihad of Naval Self-Reliance.

The Commander of the Naval Force referred to the “Simorgh” drone, explaining that “it was previously used by the Aerospace Force of the Revolutionary Guard, and is characterized by flying for 24 hours uninterrupted, and in these maneuvers it was used by reconnaissance and bombing”. Admiral Khanzadi indicated that the “Abu Mahdi marine cruise missile” was manufactured by the Defense Ministry at the request of the Army Naval Force, through which it could target US forces 800 km from Iran with this missile.

He described the domestically made submarine, “Fateh”, as “a professional light-heavy submarine characterized by tactical capabilities. Long distances.” He added: “The Fateh submarine uses smart mines and has the ability to direct the mine from a distance to the required point. The Fateh submarine also uses a 380-degree sonar system and can fire a Jask missile from the water.”

Regarding the characteristics of the “Jask 2” missile, the naval force commander said: “The enemy can divert the path of missiles that are launched from the surface, but when the” Jasc 2 “is launched from a submarine, the enemy can not expect it at all, and today it has become the missile “Jask 2” Very different from the prototype. Regarding the message of these maneuvers, Admiral Khanzadi said: “The sea is a continuous sand, and the enemies that threaten Iran’s interests are countries that spread across the oceans and entered international waters through harassment, but the only Waters that are exempt from this are the territorial waters of the Islamic Republic of Iran, which they dare not approach. ” He added: “We consider the seas a connected patch and we are ready to respond to any threat. Of course, in all cases, we fully respect the territorial integrity of neighboring and friendly countries.”

Source: فارس
