Iran Attacks Al-Rahi and Its Media Attacks Bkerke Shrine | Articles Archive


“Ibn Boutros follows in the footsteps of Bin Salman and Bin Zayed … towards normalization, turn!”

With this insulting and treacherous title, Iranian Al-Alam television headlined one of its articles published on March 3, 2021, with unprecedented cargoes of prejudice, attacks and insults from an official Iranian media institution about the Maronite Patriarchal Chair of Antioch. and the rest. of the East held by Saint Bishara Boutros Al-Rai, in a position that reflects the enormous size The hatred and anger that Iran had towards Sayed Bkerke, and Hezbollah could not remove him, due to considerations related to the status of its Christian ally The president Michel Aoun and his son-in-law, Representative Gebran Bassil.

Is the state betrayed?

The Al-Alam channel worked to equate the idea of ​​statehood to defeat in the face of the Zionist enemy, which is why it considered that taking the decision of war and peace in the hands of the State and restricting weapons to the hands of legitimacy, It is one of the factors that weaken the “resistance”, and proposing neutrality means bias towards the Zionists, “until it is finished (with the owners of This proposition) it refers to falling into the arms of” Israel “.

What did the patriarch shepherd?

The pastor said in his speech when he welcomed the crowds in solidarity with him at Bkerke: “We were born to live on the meadows of permanent peace, not on the permanent battlefields. All the peoples’ problems have been solved through dialogue, negotiation and peaceful relations. Man’s destiny is to create friends, not enemies. And have love, not resentment. Lebanon’s message is to be an example of peaceful human relations. No matter how long it takes, no one will succeed in destroying this Lebanon and this message.

The main concern of the sponsor was to talk about peace between the Lebanese, and warn him against a return to war between them, in addition to the fact that the peace proposal is the norm in the treatment of human relations and not wars, and hence An equation emerged: a “Mr. Patriarch” olive branch versus a “Mr. Secretary General” rifle.

It is strange and reprehensible in this context that this channel “Al-Alam” did not get angry when President Michel Aoun spoke about the readiness to make peace with “Israel”, considering that peace would be available if the existing problems with him were resolved. . first: “We have problems with Israel and we must solve them first.” (08-15-2020). We also did not witness this Iranian anger when MP Gebran Bassil said on December 28, 2017 that “the dispute with Israel is not ideological” and “We do not reject the existence of Israel and its right to live in security,” adding: “ We want all peoples to live in safety and that “the other be recognized. We are a people who love the other despite our disagreement with him.

Iran is entitled to what others do not have: negotiation and treason.

The Lebanese and Arabs remember how Iran and its allies spread the festive atmosphere after the signing of the nuclear agreement with the United States of America and the main countries during the days of the administration of former President Barack Obama, and everyone knows that what Iran It seeks to sit down, negotiate, and then agree with Washington to obtain a mandate from the “Great Satan” to permeate the Arab world in light of the return of the Democrats to the White House. However, the “Al-Alam” channel has had no qualms about stigmatizing the path of Patriarch Al-Rai for taking “the shameful and treacherous approach that all Arab typists and all who follow his path have taken …). today, step by step, by the person of Patriarch Mar Bishara Boutros Al-Rai in Lebanon, is motivated by right-wing groups known for their close relations with “Israel” and Saudi Arabia and the reactionary Arab led by the murderer Samir Geagea, which started from the same open speech about “confining arms in the hands of the State”, “Hezbollah’s failure to take the decision of war and peace as a hostage”, and “not getting involved in the politics of the axes.” “And the need to adopt a “policy of neutrality” and “internationalize the Lebanese cause due to the inability of its children to solve their problems”, positions that warn of the dangers of their fate, the good people of Lebanon, including a strong current and influential of l the Maronite community, which Bishara Al-Rai claims to represent.

Al-Alam TV continued its attack on Patriarch Al-Rai saying: “The fear of the Lebanese at the end of the road these positions generally end up, was correct, after his words about the weapons and the pawn and the impartial decision, as Ibn Bishara came out to us, like bin Salman and Ibn Zayed and Ibn Khalifa, from the notorious American screen “Al Hurra”, to publicly announce during the day that he supports “peace with Israel” and understanding between countries, not wars “.

Insult to the Patriarch and his position

The channel “Al-Alam” concluded its article insulting and severely insulting the person of the Patriarch and his position, where he said: “It has become clear to everyone that each person, even if he confers on himself what has been added from the halls of sanctity, we see him today exposed to the weapon of resistance, and describing the resistance as a ‘militia loyal to Iran’ ”, and he tries to dress in the garb of wisdom and objectivity and speaks of“ neutrality ”. in the battle of existence with world Zionism. We will definitely see him tomorrow in the arms of “Israel”, and there is no exception to this rule.

By what right does Iranian television treat Lebanon as if it were an Iranian state, issue judgments and classifications on its religious and political leaders and generalize its political orientations against those who contradict it, and what is the position of Christians who support Hezbollah with regarding this blatant goal of your religious reference. What is the opinion of the President of the Republic and his son-in-law, who uphold the resounding slogans in defense of the rights of Christians, and could this blatant political attack on the Church go unnoticed?

Hizbullah rejects and even persecutes any person or media organization that attacks its Secretary General, so how can Christians and Lebanese who found in the Patriarch’s initiative their patriotic stance be satisfied with such attacks?

Cut the dialogue

What “Hezbollah” did not say, Tehran said: The patriarch’s stances seeking to save the state and neutrality are contrary to his goals and he will not be silent on the direction of the sponsor. Consequently, the previous talk about moving the dialogue committee with Bkerke to the meeting was not a more transitory and fleeting maneuver, to absorb the impact of the great high-ceiling situation that the Patriarch built in his coherent speech in front of the fifteen thousand . who finished the building on February 27.

In practice, Tehran has cut off the roads of dialogue between the Lebanese by announcing its position against Bkirki, and this opens the door wide to bad and violent options, whose vanguards have begun to emerge from the street that is under the influence. crisis and under the weight of intrusions.

Not in sedition did they fall

One final equation remains that must be refuted, which is Hezbollah’s view that Patriarch Al-Rai’s call for the establishment of the state, the rejection of illegal weapons and adherence to Taif and the constitution, is an invitation to the sedition to the eyes. of the party and its axis, and this represents the most extreme levels of intellectual and political oppression and nullification. And sedition is awakening elsewhere, to erupt between Sunnis and Maronites in the context of the dispute over the powers of the first and third presidencies, and ignite their fire “Aba Lahab” Lebanese political, son-in-law of the pact, through of the most miserable racist propositions: They did not fall into sedition!

None of the Lebanese want discord or war. War is not possible, because there is a party that owns weapons in the country, and it is Hezbollah, which has failed in its attempts to achieve a national defense strategy in successive stages, and wants to rule with its weapons directly. He ruled, and here is the result: a global catastrophe and the entry of Lebanon into the countries of the axis of resistance, as Sheikh Naim Qassem said, to join Iraq, Syria and Yemen, drowned in chaos, sabotage, impoverishment, starvation and murder.

It is the black fate that awaits the Lebanese if Hezbollah manages to enter the Lebanese market to the axis of Iran, where it and its affiliates enjoy the “sovereign” privileges expressed by the party’s Health Minister, and the people suffer. the anguish of living. no horizon and no hope of getting out of the tunnel.
