Hariri asked, “How can you explain Hasbani’s saying that Prime Minister Hariri refused to listen to what people said to him: ‘What we want it to be? “The leadership of the forces knows their facts on the ground before any other party. How can the media department explain the campaign of the deputies of the forces on the formation of the government and the insistence that Prime Minister Hariri form a Quota government, leading to say that an apology for forming a government is better than forming a government?
Ahmed Hariri confirmed that Prime Minister Saad Hariri “stated more than once that he works for a government of non-partisan specialists, and you insist on shooting him daily with quota arrows, and you assume that obstructing the formation of the government will open the way to early elections. “.
He noted that “it is not a secret for any Lebanese who wants early elections under the premise of turning the tables that will not change, unfortunately, the early elections that pave the way from Al-Hakim to Baabda.”
The Lebanese Forces media department responded to Ahmed Hariri, saying that his accusation, Gaha, of seeking the presidency, is absolutely invalid.