Incurable diseases … 150 names of their owners reside abroad and obtain their medicines from Lebanon!


Hadeel Farfour wrote in “Al-Akhbar”: “They bring him home.” Thus, I approached the employee of the Drug Distribution Center for Intractable Diseases in Karantina (benefiting some 25,000 patients who receive their treatment under the Ministry of Health), the relative of a patient suffering from an acute chronic disease and who underwent to a kidney transplant. The aim of personally “bringing” the patient to the center is to ensure that the medicine that the Ministry distributes free of charge belongs to him personally.

Dozens of those who yesterday endured the difficult road in the middle of the storm, to reach the “dilapidated” center as a result of the explosion of the port of Beirut, in order to obtain medicines for their patients, returned empty-handed. For about ten days no one had informed them of the new decision of the Ministry of Health that the patient had to go in person to pick up some medicines. No messages arrived and no announcements were circulated. Regarding the option of contacting the center, it is not possible because no one will respond to ensure that the medicine is available. Therefore, the “most suitable option” is still to attend and bet on “luck”.

The transactions required by the mechanism to obtain the drug are not easy. First, the patient must obtain approval from the ministry’s medical committee before obtaining a monthly prescription confirming his need for medication. And who comes to receive the medicine must present a copy of their identity that proves their relationship with the patient, which raises questions about the “meaning” of patients who are elderly or suffer from severe symptoms that are inevitably associated with incurable diseases for attend in person?
This procedure may seem normal to many, except for those who see an elderly woman leaning on her cane shivering in the cold as she waits her turn to receive her medicine.
Health Minister Hamad Hassan assured “Al-Akhbar” that the objective of the decision is “to release a quantity of drugs that go to those who are not eligible and ensure that they reach the group that deserves them, especially since the number of patients obtaining their medications from the center increased after many institutions closed their doors and lost their guarantors. ” , Noting that “not all decisions made by the ministry are aimed at increasing the patient’s pain or punishing him. We are working with the pharmaceutical inspection department to activate the drug tracking system from warehouses to the patient, to preserve their right to receive treatment.

Read the full article Press here.

Source: News
