In the video, the Iranian opposition explodes with the court that executed the fighter my thoughts


Iran has stepped up its pressure on social media activists over the past period, according to a new report from Iran International.

The report said that the Internet Police (FTA) control over these media increased along with the Corona pandemic crisis and the growing role of the virtual world in business and employment.

The campaign specifically targeted accounts and channels active in fashion, images and art.

Dozens of people who oversee these channels have been summoned to court after charges were brought against them, such as posting content that “violates public, immoral and vulgar chastity,” as well as summoning famous artistic personalities for their posts on the digital world.

Iran International said there is growing concern about the security authorities’ access to citizen accounts, after the government increased investment in the “national Internet” project and placed restrictions on the Internet.

The authorities recently announced that the General Staff of the Armed Forces has a role in the project to develop local applications on social networks.

The director of one of the active channels on the Instagram application said that the Internet police entered her account and removed all the images that showed women’s hair.

The director of the “Munira” channel said on her Twitter account on Sunday that the Internet police had changed the access codes to her personal page to prevent her from accessing her account.

It is worth mentioning that this page is followed by more than 20 thousand users, and currently it is seen that the icon of the channel shows an image of the sign of the Internet Police and below it the phrase: “Due to the publication of illegal images, the Operation of this channel has been temporarily suspended and has been left out of the control of its manager. “

She said that while she was summoned to the Internet Police Department, she was “insulted” for being accused in political cases.

An activist on Instagram, Iran International, told Iran International that after being summoned to one of the intelligence headquarters, he noticed the opening of his account without asking him to provide his codes, and they asked him about some of the contents of his messages. .

And the US institution “Freedom House” ranked Iran 85 out of 100 in Internet freedom, making it one of the 16 countries in the world that control and control the Internet.

During the demonstrations that took place last November in Iran to protest the sudden increase in fuel prices in the country, the authorities ordered an almost complete shutdown of the Internet.
