In the name … Washington imposes sanctions against individuals and entities, including the Central Bank of Syria


The US Treasury said today, Tuesday, that the United States imposed new sanctions on Syria against the Central Bank of Syria and blacklisted various individuals and entities.

These sanctions are part of a series of restrictions imposed by Washington on Syria this year.

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The United States Treasury imposes sanctions against 7 individuals and 10 entities, including the Central Bank of Syria.

Here is a list of the people and entities Washington has blacklisted:

– Lina Muhammed is a precursor of metonymyDirector of the Monitoring Office in the Syrian Presidency, a position she has held for over a decade, and this office monitors the files and decisions of the Anti-Corruption Committee of the Presidential Palace, which is directly supervised by President Bashar al-Assad, with the help of the judicial, advisory and administrative bodies of its competence.

According to the Treasury Department, Lina Muhammad Nazir al-Kunya carried out a number of business and personal activities on behalf of the first lady in Syria, Asma al-Assad, and previously headed her office.

Muhammad Hammam Muhammad Adnan Al-MasutiThe husband of Lina Muhammad Nazir al-Kuniya, who represents the constituency in Damascus as a member of parliament in the Syrian People’s Congress, a position that was first elected in 2016, and also headed the Foreign and Arab Affairs Committee in the Assembly Popular Syria, and also held the position of Director of the Directorate of Teaching Hospitals in the Ministry of Higher Education.

The ministry stated that Messotti’s connections through his wife, as well as his huge business and financial assets, make him an extraordinarily influential MP.

– Central Bank of Syria

The Office of Foreign Assets Control included the Central Bank of Syria on the prohibited list, indicating that the bank supervises monetary policy in the country, and that one of its main functions is to issue the national currency, which the Central Bank exercises only on behalf of the Syrian government, in addition to the Central Bank organizing banking operations. The private sector and financial services companies are in the market and working as fiscal agent and depositary for the Syrian government, and it has also reported that it has deep banking relationships with Iran.


– Four companies owned or controlled by Gnaya or Masuti, “Souran Company”, “Lea Company”, “Litia Company” and “Polymedics Company”.

– KHITI business network

On November 9, 2020, OFAC classified Amer Tayseer Kheiti as a senior official of the Syrian government and Kitty Holding Group.

Today’s action added five entities to the list of permanent representatives that were identified as prohibited properties of Amer Tayseer Kheiti or Khiti Holding Group, individually or collectively: “Al Amer for the manufacture of concrete and pavers”, “Al Amer for the manufacture plastic “,” Al-Laith Al Dhahabi for transportation and shipping services “Al-Amer Development and Real Estate Investment, Good Land Company.

In its statement, the ministry emphasized that all property and interests in the property of these persons located in the United States or in the possession or control of American persons must be prohibited and reported to the Office of Foreign Assets Control, emphasizing that the regulations of The Office of Foreign Assets Control generally prohibits all US transactions within the states. United (or the other side) and involves any property or interest with sanctioned persons.

Source: US Treasury.
