In the midst of total collapse … the military establishment is stubborn | Phalanges


These remarkable positions launched by General Aoun arrive at a sensitive and delicate stage that Lebanon is going through, in which everything collapses: politics, laws, constitutions, economy, money, health …

In a message that he addressed through the magazine “Army” to the military on the occasion of the New Year, published today, the Commander of the Armed Forces, General Joseph Aoun, said: “Know that you are the last hope for our people. Despite the work in which we live, all hopes rest on you. Trust your abilities, trust your leadership that does not spare. An effort to defend your rights. Confirm your faith in your country, because what comes after work it is nothing but relief. Our country will recover and restore its years of glory “, highlighting that” however intense the horrors of our homeland are, we will adhere more to our values. We will not give up, we will not back down. “

These remarkable positions launched by General Aoun arrive at a sensitive and delicate stage that Lebanon is going through, in which everything collapses: politics, laws, constitutions, economy, money, health … what it gives, according to political sources informed. to the Central Agency, dimensions and double meanings. The commander of the military establishment assures the Lebanese that in the midst of this total collapse, the army is firm and resistant to breaking, and that its metal is solid and unaffected by all the noise and chaos that surrounds it.

While the prolonged “darkening” started chapters in politics in general and the composition of government in particular, it is reflected in “social security.” In the last hours, popular protest movements returned to the streets because people were “starving”, in light of the decision to completely close the confrontation with Corona, which was not accompanied by social aid for the poorest and day laborers. , the army was once again placed in the “Boom of Cannon”, and in front of it the challenge of controlling security and preventing the angry from bothering it and targeting the official headquarters, on the one hand, and exposing its members to attacks and to the risk of contagion with Corona, on the other hand … General Aoun seemed reassured until the institution, which is paying the price and the tax of political disability, will take this old and new challenge to the fore, and will also be at the fore. height of the showdown this time.

In any case, the outstanding performance of the institution in recent years and months explains its continued Western embrace, British and French support, as well as American, and its uninterrupted supply of advanced weapons and equipment, which tends to favor to these countries. , dealing with and cooperating with the “army” after the port explosion on August 4, renewing confidence in it, in its cleanliness and in the transparency of its leadership.

In exchange for the start, the sources continue, he has been speaking for the past decades about two main pillars on which Lebanon sits, and which are clear vis-à-vis the West and the East, namely the banking and military sectors. In light of the sharp fall of the former and the opening of the main government documents at home and abroad, for political and non-political purposes, it seems that the Lebanese army is indeed, will be the “last hope” and the wood for the salvation of the Lebanese and the last strong institutions amid the total destruction of Lebanon, noting that the institution has been exposed for some time to a massive media and political targeting campaign, to distort its image and unite it to the domino of the massive collapses, in a large and dangerous project aimed at “completely changing the face of Lebanon and reproducing the Iranian and Syrian models in the economy, the military and the politics in Beirut.”

Source: Central News Agency
