In the middle of the electoral campaign, Trump is infected with Corona and his doctor confirms that he will continue working


The president of the United States, Donald Trump, announced that he had been infected with the coronavirus “Covid-19”, after one of his close advisers became infected, while Trump’s doctor announced that he would continue with his work.

Yesterday, Trump had said that he and first lady Melania would go into quarantine pending the results of the tests, which were carried out after it was confirmed that an assistant was infected with the emerging coronavirus.

“Hop Hicks (Trump’s adviser) is working hard without taking a little break, and he just confirmed that he has COVID-19,” Trump said on Twitter.

And the doctor of the president of the United States declared that Trump was “fine” and that he would continue to carry out his duties “without interruption” during the quarantine with Melania.

“They are both doing well at the moment and plan to stay home in the White House during the quarantine period,” said Dr. Sean Conley.

Hicks was on Air Force One with President Trump when he traveled to Cleveland, Ohio, on Tuesday, to participate in the debate with Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, and traveled with him on Wednesday, when he visited Minnesota for a campaign rally. . .

Trump said: “She works very hard … she often wears a mask, but her test results were positive,” noting that she spends “a lot of time with Hope just like the first lady.”

Hicks joined the real estate mogul’s campaign team in early 2016 and is part of the president’s inner circle.

Trump had isolated himself and his wife after his adviser Hicks was injured (Reuters)

Al-Jazeera Washington correspondent Nasser al-Husseini said the first questions Trump’s infection with the Coronavirus will raise is the state of health within the White House and its estimated hundreds of employees, especially those who were in direct and close contact with the president, indicating that the infection may be in a team. Trump surrounded him more than he had announced, especially given the intense presidential campaign he carried out in recent days.

The correspondent added that since Trump will be subject to a 14-day quarantine, a state of uncertainty prevails in political circles, and whether Trump will be able to conduct his business and his election campaign work.

He noted that among the criticisms that have always been leveled at Trump is his lack of concern about medical advice on the matter, in terms of social distancing and wearing masks.

As a result, Trump canceled an election festival in Florida from his show Friday night after testing positive for the virus.

Trump was scheduled to hold a campaign rally at Florida’s Sanford airport, but his updated schedule is limited to a midday phone call about “supporting the elderly against COVID-19.”
Stock prices also fell on the US futures market after Trump and First Lady Melania announced their injury.
