In the middle of Corona …. This is how restaurants and cafes will work | Phalanges


The Ministry of Tourism announced in a statement the following:

Based on the decisions of the Ministerial Committee to monitor the file of the Crown epidemic, the Ministry of Tourism issued a circular on how tourist establishments, restaurants, cafes, cabarets and bars operate, and the opening and closing hours during holidays.
– Regarding catering establishments (restaurants, cafes, discos, bars, nightclubs, tea rooms …), all establishments are subject to the circulars issued by the ministry regarding the emptying of the establishment of 50% of the tables and chairs, as well as the commitment to 50% of its capacity. For customers, as long as the number of customers at each table does not exceed 8 people.
– The mentioned institutions are open from 5 am to 3 am
All the aforementioned institutions, including cabarets, nightclubs, bars and tea rooms, are obliged to prepare maps certified by an architect that show that 50% of the tables and chairs have been emptied inside, similar to the procedures that They are carried out in restaurants and cafes, as long as they are certified by the Department of Restaurants, Cafes and Cabarets of the Ministry within a week The date of this circular (maximum 12/29/2020).
All the aforementioned institutions are prohibited from assigning a common space for dancing.
– All establishments must comply with the Smoking Reduction Law No. 174/2011
– The organizers of public and private parties must complete the “Consent to carry out a social activity” form at the following link:, and follow the instructions that will be answered in the applicant’s email.
The ministry stated: “The need to strictly apply the norms, guidelines and conditions of public safety announced by the Ministries of Public Health and Interior, to limit the spread of the Corona pandemic, and stressed that it will not be enough to highlight the control records , but measures will be taken to close with red wax, given the sensitivity and precision of the scenario, wishing the Lebanese a glorious holiday despite the difficult economic, financial and health conditions that we are going through ”.
On the other hand, the Ministry affirmed in its statement that “it has no responsibility for the overcrowding that occurs in shopping centers and shopping complexes (malls), noting that the percentage of commitment and trust of tourist establishments dependent on the ministry is high , in cooperation between the latter and the Ministry of the Interior, municipalities and unions. Every concerned tourist.

