In the documents … the detection of the spy network of the Revolutionary Guard in Turkey


It seems that Iran has tried to put poison in honey by improving its relations with the Erdogan regime, with the aim of gaining more space in the establishment of spy networks within Turkey.

Court and police documents revealed the inclusion of the director of an official Turkish channel in an investigation into the agents and assets of the Quds Force of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard in Turkey.

Secret documents obtained by the Swedish website “Nordic Monitor” revealed several notes of wiretapping issued against Fateh ER, director of the TRT World channel in English and former director of the channel’s office in Jerusalem, issued by Turkish courts that were hearing cases . Related to terrorism in Ankara.

Judge Süleyman Karachul of the Second Supreme Criminal Court issued the first wiretap on March 1, 2013, following a request made by the Special Anti-Terrorism Department of the Istanbul Prosecutor General’s Office.

The memo allowed investigators to monitor Fateh’s phone conversations and her account via Gmail to decode the Iranian Revolutionary Guard network, which operates under the Turkish name “Tawhid Salam”, and the memo was ratified again 6 times. Based on new information that the police uncovered from intercepted communications.

Nordic Monitor reported that Fatih was involved as an activist in a militant Turkish charity group, the Association for Freedoms, Human Rights and Humanitarian Aid, which is referred to by the acronym “IHH.”

According to the investigation file, the organization works closely with the Turkish intelligence service, and its boss, Bulent Yildirim, met with agents of the Quds Force of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard.

In a phone tapping on June 1, 2013, Fateh was recorded during her conversation with Muhammad Akef Arsoy, the former director of TRT’s Cairo office who underwent training within sectarian educational circles in Syria, and the other objective of the investigations, he says. He was walking in a march belonging to the authority in Istanbul.

Investigators also turned to Safar Turan, a senior adviser to Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and Mustafa Warank, Minister of Industry and Technology, as they suspected they were secretly working to further the interests of the Quds Force in Turkey.

Although Erdogan stopped the investigation, it revealed many Iranians and Turks who were working as Quds Force agents and assistants in the country, which is why some of the names listed spent a period in Turkish prisons in the past on terrorism-related charges. Iran, but the Corps reused them after their release under an amnesty law. It was approved by the Erdogan government.

Some of these agents were found to be involved in surveillance operations of US and Israeli embassies and consulates in Turkey, as they collected information on NATO military installations and received training in Iran.
