In detail … this is what is happening in the north


Emad Marmal –

The “geopolitics” of Tripoli and the northern region has always placed them on the line of regional conflicts on the one hand and local disputes on the other, in the midst of a worn out economic and social reality that opens the doors to all political investment.

Extreme poverty that continues to expand, rampant official negligence that takes the form of collective punishment for hundreds of thousands of citizens, indifference towards the majority of political leaders and referents who have separated from their environment … all factors that ultimately pushed many Frustrated residents of Tripoli and the North to try to escape from the “Great Prison” via dangerous illegal immigration boats, for which some of those who were defeated by sea paid dearly in an unequal confrontation.

However, the repercussions of the “exacerbated vacuum” in the North are not limited to collective despair that manifests itself in many forms. Rather, there are, outside the borders, those who were, and still are, trying to fill this void through humanitarian roles that are not without a political lining.

Within this contest, a political authority received a report a few days ago in which it indicated that the Turkish presence in Tripoli and the north is expanding at an intense rate, and in many ways, taking advantage of the vacancy of the square in front of it, as a result of the total resignation of the State and most of the leaders concerned about their responsibilities and duties, which created a vacuum that anyone can. “Passenger” or “cross-border” must take the initiative to mobilize it.

The economic and financial collapse, whose impact on Tripoli and the North was more severe and painful, has come to facilitate the Turkish “infiltration” in the depths of that area erased from the accounts and priorities of the Lebanese state, especially since the citizens crushed they will automatically and instinctively respond to any help that can be given to them, regardless of Dimensions you can store.

According to the report that reached the political benchmark, the Turkish influence is currently the strongest in the northern arena, “and the Istanbul public in Tripoli and the neighborhood is almost more and more numerous and influential than the masses of the majority of the forces. and leaders who have always been competing to attract the poor to employ them in the service of their political projects in exchange for a few crumbs. ».

According to the report’s estimates, Istanbul can now organize a demonstration of 40 or 50 thousand people, if it wants. The upcoming parliamentary elections are more likely to produce representatives from the north who are friendly and supported by Turkey.

The content of the report indicates that the Turks depend, for their measured penetration, on pumping large amounts of aid to extremely squalid and destitute neighborhoods. Likewise, Istanbul relies on its gradual expansion in the close ties it has forged with a number of personalities and groups active in civil society, in addition to cooperation with some of its political allies.

It is evident that the “Future Movement” is among the parties most affected by the “annexation and ordering” area that reaches the level of the equations of the north, above all because its capabilities no longer allow it to compete.

As for the vital functions of the Turkish “defender”, they are varied, according to insiders, starting with the “persecution” of the French role, which has recently been inflated in Lebanon, and seeking to create a kind of “balance of deterrence” with him on the impact of the growing tension between Ankara and Paris on the Mediterranean, until an attempt to acquire an environment that was historically covered by the Saudi abaya and traditionally classified within the Saudi influence areas.

Karami and the Turks

On the other hand, what does Deputy Faisal Karami say to the “Republic”, which recently took the initiative to extend bridges to Turkey and activate communication with it through his visit, for the first time, to Ankara and Istanbul a few years ago. days, where he met with various officials and heads of institutions specialized in education and development issues?

Karami finds no shame in defending his new relationship with the Turks, noting that he is willing to go to the end of the world to help the people of his city who have blocked all roads before them as a result of what they have been suffering from. injustice of the State and its marginalization of them for decades.

And he asks: Where is the fault in trying to get support and help for the people of Tripoli and the North that are left behind?

He adds: When the tragic explosion occurred in the port of Beirut, help poured in from all sides of the affected residents of the capital. Do I leave them while it is I who was chosen by them to secure and defend their rights?

Karami confirms that his meetings during his visit to Turkey focused on the human, health and social aspect, asking: What is the obstacle to accepting Turkish aid if it is not restricted by any political conditions and does not affect my constants and convictions, in addition of what is supporting resistance and hostility towards Israel?

He notes that there are excellent relations between Beirut and Ankara. “It is well known that Lebanese visit Turkey without a visa. Consequently, my communication with the Turks falls below this limit. “

Karami stresses that he is not responsible for all of the Turkish policies in the world, “and therefore my initiative is not allowed to be overloaded.”

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