Impose new restrictions due to Corona from tomorrow until further notice.


The Supreme Committee for Crisis Management in the State of Qatar decided, “to avoid social gatherings and visits in closed places in homes and town halls, to allow the presence of a maximum of 5 people in open spaces, and not to celebrate weddings in closed places and open spaces, and to close play areas and sports equipment b) Public parks and beaches, with meetings limited to family members residing in the same house or a maximum of two people.

It also decided to “close driving schools, reduce the capacity of cinemas to 20%, not allow entry to minors under 18 years of age and not organize theatrical performances except after obtaining the approval of the Ministry of Health and the capacity of museums and public libraries is reduced by 30% and did not allow the training of sports teams with the exception of preparatory training for local and international tournaments approved for teams within the bubble system.

It also decided to “reduce the capacity of the commercial complexes to 30%, not allow the entry of children under 12 years of age and close all the prayer areas in these complexes, while continuing to close all the common restaurant courtyards within the commercial complexes, and allow these restaurants to submit external requests. “Or deliver it only within the restaurant, and the capacity of popular markets has been reduced by 30%, children under 12 years old and amusement parks are not allowed and entertainment centers are closed. “

It also decided to “close health and fitness clubs, stop massages, saunas, steam rooms, jacuzzis and Moroccan and Turkish baths, except for the use of gyms in hotels for guests, close all pools and water parks , and reduce the capacity of the private health establishments to 70%. ”The operational capacity of the services provided by the cleaning and hospitality companies during the working hours of the contracting establishments is 30%, and the works will begin from tomorrow Friday until further notice.
