If you refuse to leave … this is how Trump will be “kicked out” of the White House


The agency “Sputnik” quoted a US newspaper, this Friday, its report on “the assumption that the current US president, Donald Trump, has rejected the results of the presidential elections and thus leaves the White House after the end of his term. official”.

The US magazine “Newsweek”, citing government sources, stated that if this scenario is reached, it is the Secret Service that will remove Trump from the White House if he refuses to leave after completing and ending his official term.

According to the magazine, “The Twentieth Amendment to the United States Constitution stipulates that Trump or any other president loses his term on January 20 at noon, if he tries to stay after that, then the same guard who was tasked with protecting the The country’s top official must expel him.

The magazine indicated, as reported by “Sputnik”, that there are many hypothetical scenarios of what may happen in the future, especially at a time when the two parties are fighting to win the presidential seat.

He added: “Although Trump has a narrow path to winning the electoral college, he has never said or indicated that he will continue to occupy the White House after exhausting the legal challenges.”

The magazine explained in its report that “this is what happens when the current president does not stand up and pass the stick to his successor”, highlighting that “there is no precedent for this in the United States, and there is no imminent threat. that this happens next January, but there is a plan in place in case of prevention. ” transfer of power “.

This comes in light of the absence of the final official results of the US presidential election, and notes that Trump’s Democratic rival Joe Biden is close to getting enough votes in the electoral college to win the presidency.

Trump, who had previously declared himself the winner, went to court and appealed after questioning the results of the vote count in several states.

Trump pledged to continue his “legal battles” and said in a statement issued by the White House: “We will continue this process through all possible legal angles to ensure the trust of the American people in our government. I will never abandon the fight for you. and our nation. “

Contradictory look

Faced with all of the above, the Independent newspaper pointed out that the United States lacks a precedent to face such a scenario, that is, the refusal of the American president to acknowledge his loss and thus hand over power to his successor. The newspaper noted that the peaceful handover of power is the cornerstone of American society, and on earlier occasions in US history, when the presidency was somehow a subject of contention, calm efforts for the sake of handover triumphed. peaceful of power.

Richard Nixon abdicated with John F. Kennedy in 1960 despite accusations of vote manipulation in favor of the Democratic candidate. Democratic candidate Al Gore also accepted the Supreme Court ruling, which ruled that George W. Bush was the winner in the 2000 presidential election despite doubts about the fairness of the results in Florida.

Paul Quirk, a political science professor at the University of British Columbia, said that Trump’s refusal to give up power, if it ever happened, “would put law enforcement in an awkward position. At some point, the question would be : Who are the forces of order subject to? Ultimately, it’s about the use of force, in one direction or another.

According to The Independent, the US Constitution does not mention how the president should be removed if he loses the election and refuses to hand over power to his opponent. Therefore, it is difficult to say that elements of the FBI or any law enforcement agency could be sent to break into the west wing of the White House to topple the president if he lost the election.
