How many minutes were the offending restaurants?


The Ministry of Tourism announced in a statement that, in addition to the Directorate of Tourism Police, the Directorate of Tourism Control of the Ministry, in addition to the Directorate of Tourism Police, line 831 seizure records and 56 closure decisions with red wax against the infringement of tourist establishments in recent months, in compliance with the circulars and decisions issued by the Minister of Tourism based on the decisions of the Ministerial Commission to monitor the file. Coronavirus epidemic.

The Ministry called on all tourist institutions, restaurants, cafes, bars and nightclubs, as well as all citizens and individuals who organize public or private parties and parties at their homes, “to alert about the seriousness of the health situation and the high rate of contagion with the Coronavirus of the people who are infected with it without apparent symptoms in them “. “Comply with the highest standards of prevention and spacing to avoid infection.”

The ministry affirmed its “rigor in holding all tourist establishments responsible in violation of the general decisions of mobilization, conditions and health standards announced by the Ministries of Public Health and the Interior, and close them with red wax immediately without prior notice.”

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