How did the Al-Manar presentation come after the president’s speech today?


Introduction to the television newsletter “Al-Manar”

There is no immediate solution on the horizon.

It is the realistic approach of the presidency of the republic, which knows the stagnation in government consultations to the point of complexity, and the erosion of the time available for rescue to the point of hell, according to the President of the Republic, General Michel Aoun.

According to President Aoun, all the solutions that are offered are often rejected, and returning to the constitutional texts and respecting them is the solution.

The question for the truly unemployed is: Do the texts and constitutions say that there is a club of heads of government with the mandate to form governments? Did you say that the Ministry of Finance has prohibited a national component? And that the rotation should include him in addition to all the positions and influential centers in the Lebanese state affected by the most difficult sectarian epidemic?

Did the texts prevent the parliamentary majority from participating in the formation of a government that, according to the French initiative, is a government of national unity of specialists? Is it the responsibility of the geniuses of previous governments to choose the ministers of integrity and efficiency? Are some policy platforms and others empowered to form governments and shape the country’s policies by force than others?

So you ask for flexibility and facilitation to sacrifice a national right, and the titles of the society become the need to be in every position or position or even an employee when you remember his affiliation, and it is forbidden to harm him even if he was the perpetrator Or even a participant responsible for the most serious financial and economic crisis in the country?

It is a wonderland whose people admire every wind that blows over them to lash their sea or its cold, while its air pollutes it with all kinds of political and non-political crises and epidemics.

And if the frank and transparent appearance of the president with the Lebanese led to the initiative of the first step on the road to civil statehood by canceling the sectarian division of ministries that were called sovereignty and not allocating them to specific sects, then the proposal of the two parties, the hope of Hezbollah, took a step with the president and moved forward by requesting to move forward. The marital status is far from any sectarian distribution for the sake of efficiency and capacity for achievement.

Hygienically, and after the spread of Corona exceeded the absorption capacity, the request of the Minister of Health in the interim government was a complete shutdown for a period of two weeks, but the people who controlled the decision of the money people and Business imposed the advance of decisions according to the economic interest at the cost of the health disaster. If we stay like this, we will also go to healthy hell.

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