How did European leaders comment on the post-Brexit deal?


European political leaders praised the post-Brexit agreement between the European Union and the United Kingdom aimed at laying the foundation for future long-term cooperation.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson called it “a good deal for all of Europe” that brings “new stability and new certainty” to relations.

And former prime ministers David Cameron and Theresa May, who resigned over Brexit, said the deal was “very welcome.” May said it “gives business confidence and helps keep trade flowing.”

The head of the opposition Labor Party, Keir Starmer, said that “when the agreement reaches Parliament, the Labor Party will accept it and vote on it.” But he added, addressing the Johnson government: “We accept this agreement, but only you have its repercussions.”

The head of the “Brexit Party”, Nigel Farage, said: “This victory is a tribute to the ordinary men and women who stood up to the Westminster Foundation and won. Brexit is the beginning of the end of the European Union.”

“This agreement was worth fighting for,” said European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen. “We now have a fair and balanced agreement with the UK. It will protect our interests in the European Union and ensure fair competition.”

As for the chief negotiator of the European Union, Michel Barnier, he warned that “this agreement will require efforts”, and asked in particular for support from European fishermen, given that the marine fisheries file was the most complex of the negotiating files.

Irish Prime Minister Michael Martin said the deal “represents a good deal and a balanced outcome” and will avoid imposing trade barriers at the borders with Northern Ireland, noting that “the UK will always be a close friend and partner” .

Prime Minister Arlene Foster said: “This is the beginning of a new era in the relationship between the UK and the European Union and we wish in Northern Ireland to maximize the opportunities that the new agreements offer for our national economy.”

And in Scotland, Scottish Prime Minister Nicola Sturgeon tweeted: “It is important to remember that Brexit goes against Scotland’s wishes. No deal can make up for what Brexit took from us. It is time to chart our own future as a country. independent European “.

For his part, French President Emmanuel Macron affirmed through “Twitter” that “Europe’s unity and firmness have paid off” and added that “the agreement with the United Kingdom is necessary to protect our citizens, our fishermen. and our producers. ” He said: “Europe is progressing and can see the future united, ma’am and strong.”

In turn, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said she was “sure” that the agreement represented a “good result” that Germany could support.

In Spain, the President of the Spanish Government, Pedro Sánchez, said through Twitter that “the principle of agreement between the European Union and the United Kingdom is welcome”, and added: “Spain and the United Kingdom continue to dialogue to reach an agreement on Gibraltar”.

Also, Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte stressed that “an agreement on a new partnership between the European Union and the United Kingdom, after arduous negotiations, is wonderful news”, and praised Michel Barnier and Ursula von der Leyen for their ” tireless efforts “.

Portuguese Prime Minister Antonio Costa warmly welcomed the agreement with the United Kingdom, highlighting that it will continue to be an important partner and ally.

In Italy, Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte said via Twitter: “Good news: an agreement has been reached between the European Union and the United Kingdom.” “The interests and rights of European companies and citizens are guaranteed. The UK will be a key partner and ally of the European Union and Italy,” he added.

Also, Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurtz welcomed “the ability of negotiators to reach an agreement on the future relationship of the European Union with the United Kingdom”, adding: “We will now study the agreement carefully.”

“Romania welcomes the partnership agreed in future relations. This agreement will protect the interests of businesses and citizens and this is Romania’s main objective during these negotiations,” Romanian President Klaus Iohannes said on Twitter.

“The draft agreement is the best birthday present that the 27 countries of the European Union and the United Kingdom can exchange,” said Danish Foreign Minister Yepa Kovud.

For his part, Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis noted that the agreement “is a long-awaited clarification from all those whose daily life is related to the UK. For Lithuania, it is very important to establish close long-term relations with the United Kingdom “.

Latvian Foreign Minister Edgars Rinkiewicz also praised the agreement between the European Union and the United Kingdom. He said: “Now we will study all the details before accepting it.”

Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg said the deal was “a good asset for the UK, the European Union and Norway”.

“With an agreement, we are better armed. We now have a framework for future close cooperation between the UK, Sweden and the European Union,” said Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Leuven.

The Finnish Minister for European Affairs, Tiati Toporanin, called the agreement “excellent” because it “benefits both parties.”

Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis said: “The unity of the European Union has remained strong during an arduous journey and the interests of the member states have been protected. Now we can build a reciprocal relationship between the European Union and the United Kingdom that will benefit to both parties “.

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