Hospital Nuestra Señora del Socorro denies the movement of deputies and accuses | Phalanges


After the death of patient Khaled Saleh, Our Lady of Aid Hospital issued an explanatory statement in which MP Asaad Dergham lied and accused him of defamation.

Our Lady of Aid University Hospital issued the following statement:
Some audiovisual and written media, and several social networking sites circulated a tweet from one of the representatives, in which he stated that the late Khaled Saleh died on October 18, 2020 in front of Our Lady of University Aids Hospital in Jbeil, because he was not received there.
The hospital initially mourns the death of the late Khaled Saleh and offers his family and relatives its sincere condolences.
According to the right of reply, the hospital has an interest in clarifying the truth based on facts that were intentionally and wrongly omitted, and they are the following:
1- The Hospital Nuestra Señora de la Ayuda Universitaria de Jbeil, since its constitution and in accordance with its humanitarian principles, receives all patients who visit it without religious, ethnic, material, social or regional discrimination, and without any electoral benefit, clientelist, regional or social.
2- To combat the Corona epidemic and treat patients who suffer from it, governments and countries mobilize all their resources, forces and institutions to support the hospital sector and medical and hospital personnel. Despite this, the world’s leading hospitals are unable to provide adequate care beds for all patients, especially in intensive care, leading to high death rates in the most prestigious countries.
3- Faced with the inability of the Lebanese State to fulfill its simplest duties towards the citizenry due to the misconduct of some political officials, and in the absence of comprehensive and organized public support for the hospital sector, with the exception of what the Ministry does of Public Health on their own, and before the representatives of some people refrain from fulfilling their duties towards the people who elected them Except for the media and social networking sites on which they are active for propaganda personal and private benefit, we see those in a position of responsibility asking private hospitals to play the role of the state beyond their capacity and to support themselves despite not paying their fees for many years, and receive At the same time, you are treating patients infected with the COVID-19 virus and all patients infected with all kinds of other diseases, without the help nor the support of anyone. When her beds are full, she is accused of prejudice, inhumanity and possibly willful murder, when she cannot receive any patients and there is no vacancy for him in the hospital.
4- The Hospital Universitario de Ayuda was and continues to be one of the first hospitals to receive those infected by the COVID-19 virus, and was equipped with its own modest capacities due to the economic collapse and the current financial, social and political crisis, departments and special care and laboratories for these patients, and the Minister of Health praised it. General Dr. Hamad Hassan on his visit to the hospital.
5- A patient infected by the COVID-19 virus, whose condition requires intensive care, may continue to be treated in this section for a period ranging between 25 and 30 days. This limits the capacity of this department in all hospitals.
6- As for the case of the late Khaled Saleh raised by the Honorable Representative, it is incorrect and mere fabrication, and it is attributed to the hospital for freeing itself and taking revenge freely and for washing hands in the manner of Pilate of personal responsibility, especially because when reviewing all the specialized equipment of the hospital and all the restrictions in its departments, it was not clear. The presence of any patient named Khaled Saleh at the hospital on the aforementioned date, and none of the hospital officials know anything about him. Also, there is no trace of his name in the hospital records. In addition, no official from other associated hospitals did not contact the hospital and request anything related to the aforementioned patient, and the statements of the Attorney General, who made randomly in this regard, were meaningless and incorrect, especially because the hospital did not receive no contact from him about it. In addition, on the date mentioned by the deputy, all the beds in the intensive care department of the hospital designated for COVID-19 patients were fully occupied, and it is not possible to receive any patient with this virus in other intensive care departments designated for regular patients because of the risk of transmitting the infection.
7- Finally we ask: Do some politicians insist on eliminating the institutions that remain in Lebanon, transforming them into centers of electoral mobilization of parties and individuals, and legislating for themselves the right to attack, slander and accuse them of negligence, murder and discrimination, when Is this all the product of your policies and actions?
As a result, in accordance with the right of reply, we request that this statement be published in all audiovisual, written and other social media, to clarify the truth and eliminate any confusion or slander, and at the same time we reserve all rights to any type for any party, cause and direction of any person, including prosecution before the criminal judicial branch.

MP Asaad Durgham tweeted on his Twitter account yesterday Sunday, writing: “My partner in the movement, Khaled Saleh, I apologize to you and your family. Human conscience is dead, and man is the cheapest compared to the greed of private hospitals.

And he continued: “God have mercy on you … in the form of the Minister of Health.”

He attached his tweet with a photo of the late Khaled Saleh.

