Hezbollah’s Tainted Fingers Connect Al-Qaeda and IRA


With money and weapons, interests are interconnected and intertwined between Lebanese Hezbollah and terrorist organizations around the world, providing services and exchanging business, smuggling and money laundering.
It is a complex network that led Western intelligence services to hunt down them and search their archives to understand their working methods, and the latest of these groups to discover their connection to the Lebanese militias is the new Irish Republican Army.

British intelligence has launched one of its most successful employees, Agent McFadden, a former Scottish police officer, who introduced a witness protection program after 10 people were arrested in Northern Ireland on terrorism charges. , to carry out the work of an “organization” in Ireland which is a novelty, trying to inherit the history of the “army”. The Irish Republican “who disbanded in the early 1990s and moved to peaceful work after years of conflict with British security.”

McFadden’s information concluded that an alliance had emerged between the Lebanese “Hezbollah” and the “New IRA” group, known as the “New IRA”. This alliance included the Lebanese organization that provided money and weapons to its Irish counterpart, according to a report published by the British newspaper “Sunday Times”.

The New Irish Republican Army, the largest opposition group in the Republic of Ireland, is believed to have obtained mortars and various offensive weapons, as well as financial funding to cover activities subsequently requested by Hezbollah.

Members of the opposition group began communicating with “Hezbollah” and some Palestinian groups linked to Tehran and the Iranian Revolutionary Guard in 2017, and some of its members moved to Lebanon in 2018 to meet with party representatives, and then obtained weapons. , in addition to his training at a military base on the outskirts of Brital in the Bekaa. Lebanese, in an area adjacent to the Syrian border.

As for the political wing of the new Republican army, it is known as “Sward”, and it is a staunch supporter of Iran, clearly in its publications, and its members have organized protests in support of Iran-affiliated organizations both in Ireland and in Greater Brittany.

British intelligence MI5 confirmed that a delegation from “Sward” visited the Iranian embassy in Dublin last January, to sign a letter of condolences for the assassination of Qassem Soleimani, the Iranian general, who was killed in an attack with an American drone. following his arrival at Baghdad airport earlier this year.

The visit and condolences were confirmed by the same embassy last week, but the Iranian diplomatic mission avoided answering a question about a meeting at the consulate between Iranian officials and members of the New Irish Republican Army.

British intelligence revealed the relationship after information revealed by “agent” McFadden about the work of the Irish organization to buy tons of chemicals for Hezbollah, including “ammonium nitrate”, which is the main material of the bombing that took place in the port of Beirut.

MI5’s assessment indicates that security services on both sides of the Irish border suspect that cooperation between the two Hezbollah entities and the Irish organization allowed the political wing of the new army, known for its defense of Iran and extremist parties in the Middle East, it would allow it to import weapons, including assault rifles and mortars from its Lebanese counterpart.

However, what is notable for MI5 is that Hezbollah members have reunited members of the Irish organization with extremists from Al Qaeda, or are trying to work with ISIS, to carry out operations in Europe.
