“Hezbollah” reveals details of recent meeting between Nasrallah and Soleimani


Hizbullah said yesterday evening, Wednesday, that it “did not carry out a special investigation into the circumstances of the killing of the martyred Quds Force commander Qassem Soleimani because the killing took place in Iraq.”

The deputy general secretary of “Hezbollah”, Sheikh Naim Qassem, in an exclusive interview with the news agency “News”, indicated that “the story about the arrival of Qassem Soleimani in Lebanon, how he moved and what he did in Lebanon Before the assassination it is known and available to the Revolutionary Guards and they know it in detail. This can be called an investigation because the investigation is about the circumstances and circumstances of what happened at the Baghdad airport. “
He added that “Hezbollah has no direct assistance in determining the circumstances of the assassination, the investigations carried out by the Iranian officials in charge of security and guards and what they needed from Hezbollah in Lebanon as information that we sent them and they were the who carried out the investigations. “

He continued: “All the details have been known about the assassination of Qassem Soleimani, that the United States carried out the attack, and that the United States was the one who directly attacked the martyr Soleimani in Iraq, and was the one who carried out the murder, photographed him and adopted it publicly. “

Sheikh Qassem noted that “the details of the transfer of the martyr Soleimani from Syria to Iraq and the follow-up of his movement were made known through the investigations carried out by the Iranian security and are known to Hezbollah.”

Sheikh Qassem revealed during the interview: “The visit of the martyr Qassem Soleimani to Lebanon was secret and knowledge was restricted to a very narrow circle, and that when he came to visit Lebanon, the circle of knowledge was limited to the Secretary General of Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah and the commander of the Guard in Lebanon “, indicating that” Some visits were a surprise and the knowledge of them was in a matter of hours. “

Sheikh Qassem announced that during the visit of the martyr Soleimani to Lebanon, the protection team of the Secretary General of Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah, took care of his transportation and protection during his stay in Lebanon, his transfer from Syria to Lebanon and his return, pointing out that protection in Damascus was the responsibility of the guards there.

The Deputy Secretary General of Hezbollah stated that “the Lebanese and Syrian authorities were not aware of the passage of the martyr Soleimani through the Syrian-Lebanese borders, and the matter was very secret.”

On the last meeting that Qassem Soleimani organized with Hassan Nasrallah, Sheikh Qassem said: “The visit was not for work and there were no topics to discuss or study as if the martyr Soleimani came to say goodbye to Sayyed Nasrallah,” adding that “the discussion of Soleimani in his last visit with Nasrallah was General Affairs and to control health and know the general environment without there being specific points on which to debate and build, as if the reality of the visit was a farewell.

Speaking about the Israeli role in the assassination of Soleimani, Sheikh Qassem said that it is certain that the martyr was a target for Israel, and that the details of the goals and plans were not known, and that Israel could not assassinate the martyr Qassem Soleimani without an American decision, and this explains the reason behind the murder of the martyr Imad Mughniyeh in Syria. When he was alone and did not point it out when he was with the martyr Soleimani, considering that at that time Israel had calculations not to expand the circle of problems in this regard, especially since the Americans had not given the green light at the time.
