Here’s what the U.S. Treasury Department excluded from Iran sanctions


Last Updated: 8 – Dec – 2020 21:24

Washington has exempted humanitarian aid from sanctions imposed on Iran, and the US Treasury Department has indicated that banks handling humanitarian aid payments to Iran will not face US sanctions.

This decision comes after a European call to reconsider the new sanctions, and the US authorities made it clear that foreign banks will not be punished for financing the supply of medical and health supplies, such as: hand disinfectants, respirators and protective equipment personal.

US officials said the United States had made “significant exceptions … allowing the sale and export of humanitarian goods.”

The ministry also revealed that there are other exceptions related to handling payments, such as covering the costs of employees of international institutions who have missions in Iran.

In late October, Germany, France and the United Kingdom urged the administration of President Donald Trump to reconsider the new and far-reaching sanctions on Iranian banks, saying they would be an obstacle to the trade in humanitarian goods, according to diplomatic correspondence. .

That message came after the United States imposed sanctions on 18 Iranian banks as part of its “maximum pressure” campaign on Tehran over its nuclear program.
