Here are the most notable differences between the two Moderna and Pfizer vaccines … and when they were obtained


Al-Arabiya wrote: The results of the encouraging late-stage experiments by Pfizer and Moderna put a high bar for competitors, drawing on the examples from AstraZeneca Plc, which is expected to soon reveal their research on a new vaccine for the Coronavirus

There are 6 essential questions to know about the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines.

How do the results compare?

Moderna said Monday that its vaccine was 94.5% effective in a preliminary analysis, up from 90% effective for Pfizer and BioNTech a week ago.

What is common between the two vaccines?

Both vaccines are based on a technology called MESSENGER RNA that had not been used before to develop a human-based vaccine.

This approach aims to turn the body’s own cells into factories to make vaccines, where the vaccines instruct cells to make identical copies of the protein bumps that surround the virus, stimulating the creation of protective antibodies.

what is the difference?

Moderna Company received $ 955 million from the US Speed ​​Wrap program, while Pfizer said it did not receive any federal funding to develop its vaccine, while Biontech Company received € 375 million, equivalent to $ 444 million, from the government. German.

However, Pfizer concluded an agreement to supply a vaccine with the United States worth nearly two billion dollars, and the United States government agreed to buy vaccines worth $ 1.53 billion from Moderna.

What are the warehousing and distribution challenges?

Pfizer vaccine should be stored cold for up to a few days before use, but it can be kept at refrigerator temperature for up to five days.

Meanwhile, Moderna pointed to new data showing its vaccine is stable in refrigerator temperature for 30 days, can be stored in long-term freezers and does not require the special facilities required for the Pfizer vaccine.

Where will the vaccines go first?

Global demand for vaccines is expected to initially exceed supplies, despite great efforts to increase production ahead of time.

Moderna has already reached agreements to supply 100 million doses to the United States and 80 million to the European Union, and the United Kingdom said on Monday that it is negotiating with the company, but no doses will be available in the country until next spring as soon.

Pfizer and BionTech also have special offers for hundreds of millions of doses.

When will they be ready to spread?

The results are preliminary, but both Moderna and Pfizer are expected to apply for emergency use permission from the US Food and Drug Administration if another review shows their vaccines are safe.

Moderna said it could request permission from the organizers in the coming weeks.

Pfizer expects to have two months of safety monitoring data in the third week of November, and if all goes well, Pfizer may apply for a permit in the United States this month.

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